Ghorpm: I don't think such a trainer exists.
I can, however, recommend using launchers against flying vehicles. You should be able to take them down fast.
Sebek: How can I research/find launchers?
Sorry, this is my first playthrough
I think minigun research is under 'heavy'. Just research it, do a mission as time clocks fast then after that mission, your research should be completed. Yet what I normally do is research the big mofos like cybernetics then after a long mission, it should be completed (or almost). However be prepared for rebellious countries.
What I was doing most of the time is group my cyborgs together with miniguns (or lasers etc) - stand in the middle of the ground so you have max visibility - reduce API to the absolute minimum - wait until that combat music starts - hit both left / right mouse button together when seeing any cyborg chumps running at ya so API increases to the max - mow them down - rinse and repeat.
Note that some combat are quite long so you may need to alternate say 2 cyborgs API to the max then when API almost reached to the end, use the other two.
To help you out I've done a mock video - the mission is easy (cause I got the sh!ts when any country starts to rebel) however I hope you get the general idea. Here's a screenshot of enemy syndicates getting mowed down using the above tactics - not sure what's the mission though however there were plenty of dead syndicate chumps.