Acidpoptart: The Gamespy servers have been down for years and won't be coming back. However, the community has figured out a fix!
Check out:
They run a new master server that will allow you to find servers to join from in game. Follow the directions posted, and enjoy!
Sn1cket: I installed the new *.dlls that are needed and can now find games with join game.
But how do I host a multiplayer game so it will appear in this list?
When I use the LAN option and forward the right ports is it showing in the server browser?
As far I know, In-Game MasterServer is currently listening new server's 'HeartBeat' packets, to keep list updated.
Anyway, here a guide to add your server to
GameTracker /
Stat4Stats / and In-Game MasterServer. note that: Query Port must be changed to
Join Port +3 or
Join Port +4 (10483 or 10484), according with your
Swat4.ini ->
[GS2.Listener] ->
Port settings. (
Don't use Join Port+2 are GameTracker Query Port!
Be sure that your server will come listed here: Note: You don't need to follow the instruction to stream stats to
Simply Implementing the GS2 and GS1 Packages (requires "Utils" Package) is enough to become listed in those 3 platforms.