Raphhhhh: Hello,
Does anyone found how to limit my ingame fps ? Since my gpu is a 1080 , I'm getting huge coilwhine while the game runs.
The "DesiredRefreshRate" line in Swat.ini doesn't do nothing.
Many thanks
The bigest problem with UnrealEngine 2.x games and servers is that
Frame Rate,
Tick Rate and
Netspeed are entanglement.
Those 3 distinct roles are synchronized, what causes a lot of inconvenients.
For example, I will point 3 situations to limit your Frame Rate, and its downsides:
1 - Limiting FPS turning V-Sync On, in Swat4.ini;
Result is that either Networking Packets per Second and UnrealScript Interpreting Cycle (tickrate) will be also capped to 60.
2 - Limiting you Netspeed, choosing values like 5000 (Modem 56kbps), 4000 or even 1800;
Result is that your your will suffer during FPS drops, and tickrate will again slowdown game script execution process.
3 - Limiting CPU speed ("C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\SWAT 4\Content\System\Swat4.exe" -cpuspeed=2000), thus limiting tickrate;
Result is that your your will suffer during FPS drops, and also networking will be affect again.
Honestly, I still use 4:3 pattern - 1280x1024X32@90Hz. That's helpful during FPS drops.
and, yes. "DesiredRefreshRate" is useless.