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Does anyone know how to install and run mods?

Mini Mods - EHE mods change the behaviour of the AI, you need to replace some files in the game.
Full Mods - Change every country and condition. Change the shortcut with "-mod <foldername>" and start a new game
SDK Mods - New .dll files for server and client with actual code/game changes

Since none of the SDK mods work for me (crash at start), I am afraid the other mods will not work either? It is also not clear for which version those are. The GOG version uses already a Mod "SP2" to start the game.

I was looking at the MultiMod, essentially because everyone plays the Rebels wrong. I keep my country in anarchy and sell the produced stuff instead of caring for the population. While being in anarchy, you cannot annex anything (no political control).
The mod will eventually hand over a country to the rebels, if it suffers under anarchy. My plan as a rebel is to invade and occupy a country, then wait for it to drop into anarchy and it becomes mine.

Ahhh, it shows the version of the game in the column of the table:
GOG is 1.5.2
Post edited February 24, 2016 by disi
OK, how to get started...

Download and install the GLEditor and the Official Modding Guide:

For not Windows XP users:
Install Dotnet 1.1 and SP1

BACKUP the C:\GOG Games\Superpower2\MODS\SP2\ folder

Start the Editor and create a blank mod, give it a name you want to use and save it.
Close the Editor.
Copy the DATABASE.GDB file from C:\GOG Games\Superpower2\MODS\SP2\data folder into the folder of your new created mod.
Open the Editor.
Open your mod.

Now you see all the latest v1.5.2 Superpower2 data and can make changes.

Save the mod when finished.
Now copy the DATABASE.GDB from your mod folder back into C:\GOG Games\Superpower2\MODS\SP2\data

Start the game :D

I changed all treaties to have no conditions and now Madagascar can finally join THE BIG SEVEN... or EIGHT now!

p.s. If you want to add stuff, you also need to copy the string tables around to give your new countries or whatever a name.
big_seven.jpg (175 Kb)
Post edited February 28, 2016 by disi
I try to create some scriptlet to automate the editing of the EHE_Entities.xml file, which determents the AI's behaviour.

Notepad++ seems to be a good choice, I managed so far to extract the pure data. Using a sample script to format text files into xml in the firt place.

It should enable to choose to increase or decrease certain objectives for all countries. For example increase everyone's objective (8) for have AMDS by .1. This would make all countries more want to have a missle defense system.

Or increase the objectives (21,22,23,24) to have strong ground, infantry, air and naval forces to make them build an army.

p.s. here you go:

In AI_Changes.jpg you can see the impact of some random changes :D

pps. Here the links, that are also in the video on how to use it:
This script allows you to bulk edit the AI with changes to all the 27 objectives, by increasing or decreasing them.

Make a backup of the original ehe_entities.xml file in:
C:\GOG Games\SuperPower 2\MODS\SP2

Modding Docs:
progress.jpg (290 Kb)
Post edited April 05, 2016 by disi
This is actual pretty awesome :)

I am only ~30 years into the game, managed to take over Malaysia and Papua NeuGuinea and in the meantime there was a global war going on. UK went nuts against Russia and Brazil, China got nuked by Russia and the USA. Oh well and the usual India vs Pakistan that was already common in the original setting, but much earlier.

This is with the lowest AI Aggression setting possible!

Now everyone is attacking Saudi Arabia for some reason. My personal relations to other states have been a roller-coaster.

This is the result of changing a few numbers up and down, mainly don't care too much for the population, build more military units and don't care too much for a positive budget.

My changes with the script:

Post edited March 06, 2016 by disi
Huh I don't get it
yousefmikh: Huh I don't get it
The default AI tries to be nice to nearly anyone, so everyone becomes green to each other. Only a few nations are true evil or don't fit in with their AI.

You can change the behaviour of every nation in the ehe_entities.xml file of the game, but there are thousand of entries to edit. With the script in Notepad++ you can quickly make general changes like everyone wants nukes or something.

This can make the world a dangerous place, but also open opportunities.
Post edited December 01, 2018 by disi
yousefmikh: Huh I don't get it
disi: The default AI tries to be nice to nearly anyone, so everyone becomes green to each other. Only a few nations are true evil or don't fit in with their AI.

You can change the behaviour of every nation in the ehe_entities.xml file of the game, but there are thousand of entries to edit. With the script in Notepad++ you can quickly make general changes like everyone wants nukes or something.

This can make the world a dangerous place, but also open opportunities.
Hey disi, I have been looking around on the internet and it seems like almost no one has this problem. I have no Mods folder. I can't find it anywhere so I can't install mods. Do you know what the problem is? Because I can play the normal game without mods.
disi: The default AI tries to be nice to nearly anyone, so everyone becomes green to each other. Only a few nations are true evil or don't fit in with their AI.

You can change the behaviour of every nation in the ehe_entities.xml file of the game, but there are thousand of entries to edit. With the script in Notepad++ you can quickly make general changes like everyone wants nukes or something.

This can make the world a dangerous place, but also open opportunities.
yousefmikh: Hey disi, I have been looking around on the internet and it seems like almost no one has this problem. I have no Mods folder. I can't find it anywhere so I can't install mods. Do you know what the problem is? Because I can play the normal game without mods.
Not sure, for me the official game is a mod in itself.
C:\GOG Games\SuperPower 2\MODS\SP2
Then you can back up the files and make changes to i.e. the ehe file.

Did you use Galaxy or offline installer? My Galaxy says "unknown version" to my Superpower2 games folder.

There is also joshua.cfg, which says in mine:
Post edited February 08, 2019 by disi