Berolsaurus: Mission 8 of the stronghold military campaign is now up. We get some aid from the snake but can we really trust someone name "The Snake"?
Stronghold MIssion 8 Darvin: I'm sssssure he's trusssstworthy.
Mission 9 is probably one of the better missions the game has to offer; the enemy attacks quickly enough that you can't do something perverse like build a wall across the entire map, but still freeform enough that you really have a lot of leeway in how you design that castle.
Not much for LP's myself, but I may pop in to watch missions 15 and 18. I have
no idea what the developers where thinking; without using a cheesy exploit to render your archers invulnerable to attack those missions are just plain sadistic.
Thanks for the reply. I will post every Friday so we will get to missions 15 and 18 soon enough!