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EDIT: I so updated my GPU drivers to the latest Game-Ready version and it seemed to correct the problem. They weren't that old, but I see that there were some other Unity related crashed that the latest patches tried to correct so maybe a Unity update created the need for matching newer GPU drivers?

EDIT2: NM, that lasted all of one play session. Right back to access violations again.

Played about 5 hours without error, leveled my team to level 5-ish. Since starting the first story-mission Stella Marin, I'm constantly crashing during the mission. I get Access Violations in the crash dump. I can load up the last save and get a little further if I follow a different sequence of events (it will usually crash again at the same exact spot if I retrace my last steps precisely), but it's just happening so often I don't think I have any chance of completing the mission successfully.

Any suggestions?

StarCrawlers [version: Unity 2017.2.0p2 (dbc2eb12ac98)]

UnityPlayer.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module UnityPlayer.dll at 0033:43785e99.

Error occurred at 2018-02-04_012316.
39% memory in use.
16325 MB physical memory [9917 MB free].
32709 MB paging file [20376 MB free].
134217728 MB user address space [134212678 MB free].
Read from location 4465e350 caused an access violation.

RDI: 0xb09da5a0 RSI: 0x7bb04810 RAX: 0x4465e350
RBX: 0x00000018 RCX: 0xb09da5a0 RDX: 0x00000000
RIP: 0x43785e99 RBP: 0x00000004 SegCs: 0x00000033
EFlags: 0x00010246 RSP: 0xcb57ec40 SegSs: 0x0000002b
R8: 0xcb57ee10 R9: 0x50c0f4b0 R10: 0x50c0e190
R11: 0x438ffc70 R12: 0x7bb04810 R13: 0x00000000
R14: 0xcb57f350 R15: 0x4fbef870

Using GOG Galaxy client
Post edited February 06, 2018 by jfunk825
have you tried setting the game's exe to run as admin?
jfunk825: ...
That is weird. You played all 5 hours without error? After last update I could play only few minutes independently of the mission.
For me worked downgrading Starcrawlers to the last but one version.
Ugh, so no suggestions huh? Looks like I'm not the only one that is experiencing random (not mission-ending) crashes since the lasat patch, but I see no dev responses to those reports. Weird that I twice was able to play for several hours without issue, but in between it's crash crash, crash over and over.

Basically unplayable. Oh well, maybe I'll check in again in a few months.
I actually ran into the same issue on the Stella Marin. It was not the upgraded version of the game but the older version. It crashed with entering the big room.
I am having this problem as well on the same mission after playing all the way there with no error. I have been trying to fix the bug all day, I have tried everything. Disabled firewall, turned off UAC, run as admin, run in windowed mode on 1280x720 resolution, every fix I could find after hours of searching. No dice.
StarCrawlers [version: Unity 2017.2.0p2 (dbc2eb12ac98)]

UnityPlayer.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module UnityPlayer.dll at 0033:edc3bc55.

Error occurred at 2018-02-12_200926.
C:\GOG Games\StarCrawlers\StarCrawlers_x86_64.exe, run by Tammystyle.
46% memory in use.
8056 MB physical memory [4344 MB free].
16109 MB paging file [11529 MB free].
8388608 MB user address space [8385108 MB free].
Write to location f93e7bb0 caused an access violation.
caseyf: I am having this problem as well on the same mission after playing all the way there with no error. I have been trying to fix the bug all day, I have tried everything. Disabled firewall, turned off UAC, run as admin, run in windowed mode on 1280x720 resolution, every fix I could find after hours of searching. No dice.
I can see only 2 options:
1) You can wait for devs fixing the game. I've read that this ist a problem with Unity engine so you have to wait for Unity-devs fixing the game engine so the Starcrawlers-Devs could fix the game. Or
2) Downgrade the game to previous version. This solution worked for me. Previously I had crashes every few staps or minutes but now I could finish the Stella Marin mission and few side quests.
Post edited February 13, 2018 by mihuk
Edit: Or rather, I'd try an earlier version if I knew where to get one. Nothing available under "classic installers" here at GOG. :\
caseyf: I am having this problem as well on the same mission after playing all the way there with no error. I have been trying to fix the bug all day, I have tried everything. Disabled firewall, turned off UAC, run as admin, run in windowed mode on 1280x720 resolution, every fix I could find after hours of searching. No dice.
mihuk: I can see only 2 options:
1) You can wait for devs fixing the game. I've read that this ist a problem with Unity engine so you have to wait for Unity-devs fixing the game engine so the Starcrawlers-Devs could fix the game. Or
2) Downgrade the game to previous version. This solution worked for me. Previously I had crashes every few staps or minutes but now I could finish the Stella Marin mission and few side quests.
Thanks so much for your reply. I'll try downloading a previous version.
Post edited February 13, 2018 by caseyf
mihuk: ...
caseyf: Thanks so much for your reply. I'll try downloading a previous version.
I'm not sure you will be able to download previous version.
I used Galaxy for this.
caseyf: Thanks so much for your reply. I'll try downloading a previous version.
mihuk: I'm not sure you will be able to download previous version.
I used Galaxy for this.
I see. I've been avoiding Galaxy. Starcrawlers really got its' hooks in me though, feel like I already made it to Mordor, might as well climb the mountain. Lol
mihuk: I'm not sure you will be able to download previous version.
I used Galaxy for this.
caseyf: I see. I've been avoiding Galaxy. Starcrawlers really got its' hooks in me though, feel like I already made it to Mordor, might as well climb the mountain. Lol
:) I'm using galaxy almost only to download installers of my games since the "GOG Downloader" doesn't work for me any more.
caseyf: I see. I've been avoiding Galaxy. Starcrawlers really got its' hooks in me though, feel like I already made it to Mordor, might as well climb the mountain. Lol
mihuk: :) I'm using galaxy almost only to download installers of my games since the "GOG Downloader" doesn't work for me any more.
You know, I read somewhere that if you power through the plot mission and then mostly play the non-starred, non-story missions the bugs mostly occur in the story ones and you'd have no problem.

So I plowed through Stella Marin and my nxt mission is in a mine. I played almost the whole mission before getting the bug again. I wonder if it has something to do with steps taken/area viewed, as it doesn't seem to happen until I have revealed a lot of map. Probably that's just coincidence though. Small sample. Heh. :\

Still opting to avoid Galaxy. My first install of the game I had to reinstall rigth away because they snuck it under my nose like the #*!%ing bing bar. I hope this gets a fix soon. I love the game but it's getting hard to enjoy.
I believe I've finally traced the memory leak to the Unity engine version and have put up a Test Branch that should address the issue.

To get the Test Branch, you will need GOG Galaxy installed and an OSX or PC machine (for Linux users, there's no branch available currently).

In your Library, select StarCrawlers -> More button -> Settings -> change Channel to Test Branch (no password) and download the beta build.

If you continue to experience access violation crashes with this build - let me know! Also if you don't :D
JuggernautGames: I believe I've finally traced the memory leak to the Unity engine version and have put up a Test Branch that should address the issue.

To get the Test Branch, you will need GOG Galaxy installed and an OSX or PC machine (for Linux users, there's no branch available currently).

In your Library, select StarCrawlers -> More button -> Settings -> change Channel to Test Branch (no password) and download the beta build.

If you continue to experience access violation crashes with this build - let me know! Also if you don't :D
Great thanks! Will test tonight, but will probably be about 16 hours from now.