Posted January 16, 2019
Azrapse: I am not sure if we have told this story here, but some years ago we saw ourselves in the situation that 3 or 4 different people had started to work independently on the same model without telling us or collaborating between them. So we eneded up with 4 people each offering us their own made Lambda-class shuttle model.
No, I didn't see this story. Since then, we elaborated this document:
I've began working on the model just after consulting this document, where the transport was stated as not being made by anyone, so I've picked it. Yes, I undestand I should have asked you first, but that was just a momentarily decision. I undestand the situation - in case when two people are working with the same model, at least one of them is going to be upset :) And yes, it is way better of avoiding such situations and I should consult you in case I would try to make something in the future. By the way, one of the reasons I didn't ask about it, I wasn't sure will I make that model really. And in that case that wouldn't be right if I would just take that model to build, but forgot about it the next day :)
I mean it was my own desision and you do not owe me anything. In case you wouldn't use my model, I won't be very upset and angry and so on, it's OK :)
If yours is closer to meet the geometry requirements than the FotG one, we might opt for yours (even if it comes untextured). It depends very much on the amount of work that our 3D experts have to dedicate to them, since they are already overworked.
Considering textures... I can't promise anything, but in case you would send me some reference sample of your in team model, so I can look texture maps (diffuse, specular etc), how does those look, maybe I'll be able to provide you with something. But, again, I don't want to promise, since I didn't make textures for use in games.
It would help if you could send us a download link to the current state of the model so that they can have a look at it and make some comments of towards where you should focus. Is that a possibility?
Oh my... Don't tell me about controls =))) I've had so many ideas about contols and physics of theese crafts for at least fifteen years, so any programmer would kill me instantly, so there will be no chance he would need to program it ))
Post edited January 16, 2019 by Harh1981