Sol_HSA: Looking at the source code, it appears to use the same version of directx as tie95, so I'm not all that sure about "more advanced".. unless there's something strange, it should be possible to make that wrapper work with tie95 with small(ish) changes. It doesn't work as is though, I just get a crash at start.
Tarvis: My guess is most of the differences might be the concourse rather than the in-flight engine.
Anyway, nice to hear that it's the same DX level. I just assumed it was higher because XWA has a lot of effects (gas leaks, sparks, shield impact glows) that XvT doesn't have at all.
Sometimes it's easier to push old engine forward (with new hardware) than to start over. Crimson Skies, for instance, is advertised as being directx7 game (and won't launch without dx7) but it only uses dx7 interfaces to check that dx7 is available, and then falls down to dx5 (if I remember correctly).
Yes, that's another game I still haven't gotten dx wrapper finished as of yet.. =)
Tarvis: EDIT: From the original author:
If you use xwa_ddraw_d3d11 with XWING95 or TIE95, the game will immediately crash. This happens because the IDirectDrawPalette interface is not implemented. I think that there are also certains interfaces called differently.
Tarvis: XWA's concourses aren't paletted so there was no need for it there. But that should be easy to implement from your previous wrappers, yes?
You should get in contact with him, he says he doesn't have the time to adapt it himself but he'd be willing to help out.
Here's the forum thread where he is I can contact him through github if I need. I've grabbed the source and I'm trying to compile it at the moment, hoping it will work better somehow than mine does.. Unfortunately he's using a later version of visual studio than I am, and he's using some language constructs not available in my version, so this will take a while :(