_F_o_x_: Sure. Inside the game's folder there is a Dosbox configurator. On the tab
advanced settings I changed
Scaling Engine to
hq2x *on
window resolution I put mine(1920x1080)
keep aspect ratio ticked(don't remember if I changed this or not)
On the tab
basic settings I tried messing around with the different options but all of them seemed similar to me, so I left it on
Direct3D. Idk if these are the best settings but sure improve the game a bit then
Save Settings ------->
Start Game That's what I've done, if anyone have a better combination of the options I would like to know about.
Inside the installation folder there will be a .conf file somewhere that stores these settings. It can be edited manually (this is what you'd do with DOSBox if GOG didn't provide a configurator). There are higher scaling options for 3x. Might even be possible to get others using customized DOSBox installs. The available options in the DOSBox version I used are:
none, normal2x, normal3x, advmame2x, advmame3x, advinterp2x, advinterp3x, hq2x, hq3x, 2xsai, super2xsai, supereagle, tv2x, tv3x, rgb2x, rgb3x, scan2x, scan3x
The resolution stuff is just for scaling the display to your monitor screen, but how much of a difference the renderer makes I've no idea. I used openglnb rather than Direct3D. The possible options in the DOSBox version I used are:
surface, overlay, opengl, openglnb, ddraw
I imagine ddraw is the Direct3D option that the GOG configurator uses.