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Why play it if you cant use a cotroller. Please tell me I missing something.
Hmm... a game with no controller support... never seen that for my 20+ years of gaming.
QWEEDDYZ: Hmm... a game with no controller support... never seen that for my 20+ years of gaming.
xtharpe: LOL
Yeah, kinda... not so true. But know how OP's usually describe they situation - he can have absolutley working gamepad but with Joy1-9 buttons instead of any else. That users sometimea did such threads too. It not matter gmapead or something else - just usual "NOTHING working" threads and "another broken release on GOG\Steam\etc!!111".

And less they put to first post, less chances they return for answer

Moreover, i saw here (yes, here, not even on Steam!) threads about EA SW titles.

Most games that initially not supposed to be played on gamepads (eg RTS games) still can be forced to play on it with just rebinding KB to GP. Some very old games (we are on GOG after all) suppoed to be played on gamepads instead on KB+mouse. Mouse become standard much later, gaming device standard even much later. In '90 gamers use KB only or GamePads\JoyPads (and even '90 VR sets) only.
Most games is fully do support DirectX(9) and Dinput as part of it. Troubles can be with DirectX10+ Xinput (by API or by too much new controler from current consoles), or with very old games that not support DirectX (at all or Dinput and PnP as part of it). Since such games is very-very old, they most likely DOS games. And DosBox emulator do support gamepads

So it is really hard to find game where input devices except KM+M techically not working at all. Analog mode, Dinpu\Xinput, move-controllers, wireless support. All this things is nowadays aspects, but even with all of that gamepad should be detected by game. At least detected. If it working but junky - say, what happened? Maybe it is Analog issue, maybe it is XBox Xinput iisue, PlayStation DS Dinput-vs-Xinput issue (half-supported by Xinput but no any nowadays standards for Sony controllers - no-hotplug, wired-wireles is differ devices and many else, and no DS button promts in Xinput - only if game have it for DS along with every else sdandard features, only DX10+ feature supported for DS is Xinput tell to the games it is not General PnP device and not an Ms Xinput native gamepad, so game should show third variant of promt buttons if t have it (very few games on PC do that))(wireless is differ devices for anything, with differ HWID).

First look at here (keep in mind this is open Wiki articles)
(GOG forum is broken with urls - be careful with some links, gog exclude part of adress and can lead to differ website, copy-past it to adressbar manually)

Any input devies should be detected at least as General PnP Dinput device. If WindowsNT OS recognize it as input device - especially as gaming input device - it will tell the games applications that they can use some Button1-9 bind keys.

Some really not supported games is games without ability to rebind and not support for DX10+ Xinput Xbox (not require rebind in Xinput games). At times when DirectX9 Dinput been standard, you should do configure gamepad in settings before starting play. There is no such things like default input scheme. And better plug it before game started. Only few support hot-plug (cause it not a standard specification for WinXP\same-old games like for WinVista+ OS ones)

And this game is DO support gamepads. As PCGW article say - only {Open Main menu [Esc]} function is require keyboard making it not really Full-controller supported game. This is a PS2 game port natively support gamepads.

Solution or advise (like no hot-plug) for troubles is depend oh how it work. If it compeltely not detected by the game - first make sure it is detected by OS
Compeltely offtop

Even IT specialists and software developers sometime post some nonsense that it is game that do support anything\nothing. First of - it is OS API's, OS redists API's (VisualStudio) (and they specifications), DirectX Api specially, game licensed Engine, some presets licensed, etc etc. Game is just normal applicaton. It is Microsoft(first one) job to make it backward compatible. Since it not likely to happen - devs do it, if they can and want to do.

But it wrong agenda initially if game made in 2005 named not supported gamepads or something else. It is too much new game app made exactly how it should be made in 2005 with DX (maybe not 9, but 8 or 9.0 and not latest) support. If it support anything been standard specification and work with 2005 hardware, peripherals and OS - its support anything. If something new not worked with it - it is this new thing which one is issue, not the old application which one perfectly worked back in its days.
And another one thing - devs is last ones who should update something to new compatibility level. And everyone who whine about it perfectly understand that - that why they say it shoouldnt be on sale. They try to make rule which one not exist but force devs to be first ones who should do something. Not should - but can. They can offer it to us as a bonus feature. Even when Steam stop support WinVista and Win7 - it is not a devs job to update games to Win8. Sell it with proper sysreq-ments - thats all they mandatory should do. And go to f* consoles digital stores if you want buy onle new re-releases, keep old games to normal PC users! Some of us some of games - no any else way to buy some titles for now!
Post edited June 25, 2022 by QWEEDDYZ
It supports controllers, I play with an xbox 360 controller
Im sorry it took so long to repost. I was able to get my controller working with a lot of trial and error via the in game settings. I still cant do a lot of the things that require two imputs. Roll wich requiire you to run in a direction and another button. For the most part i got it and ther emust be away because i see olot off guys rolling in the game.
Pretty cool there are people playing all hours of the day good to see that.
xtharpe: LOL
QWEEDDYZ: Yeah, kinda... not so true. But know how OP's usually describe they situation - he can have absolutley working gamepad but with Joy1-9 buttons instead of any else. That users sometimea did such threads too. It not matter gmapead or something else - just usual "NOTHING working" threads and "another broken release on GOG\Steam\etc!!111".

And less they put to first post, less chances they return for answer

Moreover, i saw here (yes, here, not even on Steam!) threads about EA SW titles.

Most games that initially not supposed to be played on gamepads (eg RTS games) still can be forced to play on it with just rebinding KB to GP. Some very old games (we are on GOG after all) suppoed to be played on gamepads instead on KB+mouse. Mouse become standard much later, gaming device standard even much later. In '90 gamers use KB only or GamePads\JoyPads (and even '90 VR sets) only.
Most games is fully do support DirectX(9) and Dinput as part of it. Troubles can be with DirectX10+ Xinput (by API or by too much new controler from current consoles), or with very old games that not support DirectX (at all or Dinput and PnP as part of it). Since such games is very-very old, they most likely DOS games. And DosBox emulator do support gamepads

So it is really hard to find game where input devices except KM+M techically not working at all. Analog mode, Dinpu\Xinput, move-controllers, wireless support. All this things is nowadays aspects, but even with all of that gamepad should be detected by game. At least detected. If it working but junky - say, what happened? Maybe it is Analog issue, maybe it is XBox Xinput iisue, PlayStation DS Dinput-vs-Xinput issue (half-supported by Xinput but no any nowadays standards for Sony controllers - no-hotplug, wired-wireles is differ devices and many else, and no DS button promts in Xinput - only if game have it for DS along with every else sdandard features, only DX10+ feature supported for DS is Xinput tell to the games it is not General PnP device and not an Ms Xinput native gamepad, so game should show third variant of promt buttons if t have it (very few games on PC do that))(wireless is differ devices for anything, with differ HWID).

First look at here (keep in mind this is open Wiki articles)
(GOG forum is broken with urls - be careful with some links, gog exclude part of adress and can lead to differ website, copy-past it to adressbar manually)

Any input devies should be detected at least as General PnP Dinput device. If WindowsNT OS recognize it as input device - especially as gaming input device - it will tell the games applications that they can use some Button1-9 bind keys.

Some really not supported games is games without ability to rebind and not support for DX10+ Xinput Xbox (not require rebind in Xinput games). At times when DirectX9 Dinput been standard, you should do configure gamepad in settings before starting play. There is no such things like default input scheme. And better plug it before game started. Only few support hot-plug (cause it not a standard specification for WinXP\same-old games like for WinVista+ OS ones)

And this game is DO support gamepads. As PCGW article say - only {Open Main menu [Esc]} function is require keyboard making it not really Full-controller supported game. This is a PS2 game port natively support gamepads.

Solution or advise (like no hot-plug) for troubles is depend oh how it work. If it compeltely not detected by the game - first make sure it is detected by OS
Compeltely offtop

Even IT specialists and software developers sometime post some nonsense that it is game that do support anything\nothing. First of - it is OS API's, OS redists API's (VisualStudio) (and they specifications), DirectX Api specially, game licensed Engine, some presets licensed, etc etc. Game is just normal applicaton. It is Microsoft(first one) job to make it backward compatible. Since it not likely to happen - devs do it, if they can and want to do.

But it wrong agenda initially if game made in 2005 named not supported gamepads or something else. It is too much new game app made exactly how it should be made in 2005 with DX (maybe not 9, but 8 or 9.0 and not latest) support. If it support anything been standard specification and work with 2005 hardware, peripherals and OS - its support anything. If something new not worked with it - it is this new thing which one is issue, not the old application which one perfectly worked back in its days.
And another one thing - devs is last ones who should update something to new compatibility level. And everyone who whine about it perfectly understand that - that why they say it shoouldnt be on sale. They try to make rule which one not exist but force devs to be first ones who should do something. Not should - but can. They can offer it to us as a bonus feature. Even when Steam stop support WinVista and Win7 - it is not a devs job to update games to Win8. Sell it with proper sysreq-ments - thats all they mandatory should do. And go to f* consoles digital stores if you want buy onle new re-releases, keep old games to normal PC users! Some of us some of games - no any else way to buy some titles for now!
Ok after a lot of trial and error im almost ther... I have a Logitech Gamepad F310 usb wired. Im bot sure if i should i use xinput or direct? I have a problem with my gun keeps firing as i traverse the map very annoying ive double checked my mapping put it wont stop
This game is DirectX 9 Dinput game. Theoretically its better to switch to Dinput.
Just be careful with additional software. Some thing like LogiOptions tools is not part of the driver. Close them or maybe even remove.
QWEEDDYZ: This game is DirectX 9 Dinput game. Theoretically its better to switch to Dinput.
Just be careful with additional software. Some thing like LogiOptions tools is not part of the driver. Close them or maybe even remove.
Any idea as to why my guns fires all the time.
if you switch it to xinput and it works (i doubt), go and rebind gamepad buttons in game controls.
Switch to dinput or plug another gamepad - go to controls and rebind.

(never be a default schema for gamepads in dinput games)
QWEEDDYZ: if you switch it to xinput and it works (i doubt), go and rebind gamepad buttons in game controls.
Switch to dinput or plug another gamepad - go to controls and rebind.

(never be a default schema for gamepads in dinput games)
I think i figured it out . currently it is on a toggle. push the fire button to auto push the button again turns it off. is there a setting like that to turn off