Thanks for the links :)
We all hope it will arrive here very soon ! :D
By the way, update 2.0.0 for base game is available with the in-game updater !
Here is a list of some of the main changes (found
here) :
- Added a number of new post processing graphics options, including Bloom, Godrays and Chromatic Aberration.
- Many many more improvements to shaders and and lighting to improve graphics quality
- The visual surface of planets is now actually rendered to match the biome tile grid from the planet overlay. City lights will automatically appear where buildings are!
- The AI has received numerous improvements to how it plays the game. Please report any bugs you find in its new behavior!
- You can now determine whether an AI is aggressive, passive and biased against humans separately from difficulty.
- You can now set the particular ways an AI cheats and how much it cheats at them.
- The open tabs, quickbars, and camera location are now saved and restored when you load a game.
- Improved the planet requirement UI on the bottom left of the planet overlay.
- Added a Replace tool to the ship designer that replaces the subsystem you click on the design with the type of subsystem you have selected while keeping the same size.
Races & FTLs
- Mechanoid population above 1 now provides 2 labor, but population above the maximum no longer provides any.
- Tweaked the income values of mechanoid planets over population so they don't jump up and down as much.
- Fling Beacons now cost FTL energy to construct and have a small FTL upkeep.
- Tweaked the cost and duration of opening slipstreams based on the size of the generator.
Notable Fixes
- Fixed exploit for exporting labor more than once.
- Fixed exploit with Frugal trait where planets could be Level 2 without any tier 1 resources.