kingkob: I bought the whole series and they all act the same way, they stutter here and there especially when running, is that normal? can I do something to fix it?
I read before that these games suffer from many bugs and issues but I would imagined that it will be solved by now..
Any help will be much appreciated, thank you.
Mous3Tr4p: Hey kingbob,
From my own experience this is likely either caused by prefetching or the non-static rendering modes in the STALKER series. First try disabling prefetching (look up "stalker noprefetch"), this is enabled by default. It speeds up loading times by reducing wait states, but causes stuttering/freezing etc. when loading a lot of objects. Disabling it will completely remove or really reduce the amount of stuttering in the game, but might make loading levels (entering a game area/map) a little longer.
If it's still stuttering - especially indoors or near light sources like fire - the rest of it is probably due to dynamic lighting. In the in-game video options choose "Static Lighting" (or try other versions that don't stutter for you). This is probably because the dynamic light sources are not very well optimized or just graphically demanding in general, static lighting will look a lot less cool-looking but should make the game a lot smoother in general.
Let me know if it works. :)
Thank you very much I'll try the 1st thing, about the lightning yeah I know it stutters like hell on dynamic lightning and it's certainly something wrong with the game engine.
I have an uber high end pc: x99-a,i7 5820k 6 cores, gtx980, 16gb ram ddr4 2666mhz.
My pc is overkill for most games out there today and most of them run smooth as butter but this one really confound me.. I figured it's probably bad optimized games but untill this day they didnt fix it? lol