danoidvandy: I havent been able to play yet. When i try to launch the game it just crashes the whole gog launcher entirely. Anyone else seen this?
This may or may not be a potential solution to your problem, as the issue I had is slightly different; it might be worth for you to explore, however.
I was having my entire desktop crash every time I started up GOG-installed version, while it was "compiling shaders" before getting into the menu. I resolved it by going to Nvidia Control Panel, I made a few changes and at least ONE of them worked:
Open Nvidia Control Panel->Manage 3D settings->Program Settings
Find your Stalker2 exe and add it to the list. When you have the game selected, go down to CUDA - GPUs and OpenGL rendering GPU and specifically select your graphics card. Then go to Max Frame Rate and select 60. This resolved my problem on my desktop (i5 10600k / 16gb DDR4 / Nvidia RTX 3060 / SSD hard drive / Windows 11).
If you are running a Radeon card, try and find similar driver settings that you can adjust to correct the issue.