HereForTheBeer: I'm not 100% certain but I think those items are just generic parts that you can sell for good money at science stations; you'll also find tubers and others that you can't place in a shipboard slot.
When selling at a science station, be sure to use the "help with Dominator research" option from the dialog choices on the government screen instead of selling from the ship screen; go through each of the three types of Dom until you find "(x2)" after the value. Some items do
not give you that x2 bonus, usually those that you can use on your ship, such as fuel tanks and radars. That makes sense since the scientists wouldn't learn as much from a Dom fuel tank as they would from completely new tech. This means they'll pay you double for that item if you sell it for that type of research. Selling those items anywhere else will get you the standard % rate as defined by your merchant / trade skill.
For certain the stations can be destroyed so it's somewhat risky to put the stuff there. Dunno about planet storage. I try to sell the stuff to the scientists as soon as I can.
Thanks a lot for your answer, I'll try getting these to a science station then.