I got it when it came out. It blew me away and I couldn't really understand why this game wasn't getting the attention and hype it deserved. It was one of those rare experiences where every five minutes, something would happen that would make your jaw drop to the ground. Stuff you didn't expect, stuff you'd discover, different tactics, the AI, the possibilities that were not documented but "just there" because of the surroundings, etc. Moreover, I like a game that is difficult but not that difficult or unforgiving that you quit. Some games these days seem to be made "easy" on purpose ("to make a larger audience happy"), and I don't believe that anyone, not even the casual gamer if he exists, is waiting for easy games. And this game is even very very replayable, cause there's so many different ways to finish a level. And that's a tip: if you don't succeed at first, restart the mission and think up a whole different tactic :)
/rant ;)
Thinking about buying it again, don't want to try StarForce on my new pc / Vista...