Posted September 28, 2021

for things like this. Nor do they keep track to make sure no one can take away the
control over what they should own. (regarding mandatory launchers)
I say again, sure putting in the additional nonsense pronouns in the CC isn t a big thing,
easy overlookable. But buying it at full price means supporting and pushing this.
Which i wont, if there are rly people out there who want this in at all costs, devs should
go the free mini DLC way with such things, but don t patch it in at day 0.
With said DLC everybody would be happy (not rly since as i said it is never enough)
But nope, it needs to be pushed in the main game by default, so everybody is remembered
about this RL circus going on at social media platforms.
Video games are my hobby i use them to escapre this RL, so yeah sorry that i refuse to
support things that would me remind of such things. They aren t even real "real" outside
of said social media platforms.