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Am I the only one suffering lags on the menu? The game just run fine but the menu is very buggy.
fernandojhr: Am I the only one suffering lags on the menu? The game just run fine but the menu is very buggy.

We've informed the developer about this very issue and hopefully there will be a fix soon.

Thankfully, at least on my home Linux machine, the gameplay is quite good and I have not personally noticed any lag when playing with a controller :)
fernandojhr: Am I the only one suffering lags on the menu? The game just run fine but the menu is very buggy.
Not to mention the other issues like:

1.) Choosing Credits locks up the game where you have to force quit the app on both Mac and PC.
2.) Sometimes when lowering the music in game cuts the music out completely although rare.
3.) No quit to desktop option at the title menu. So I have to force quit the game.
4.) Input menu option does nothing.
5.) Display option is info only. (designed that way maybe?)

I also noticed I could do certain moves when I first played this game like a fast slide backwards, but now I can't replicate the move. Maybe something I am doing wrong. I also at one point was able to shoot spirit heads as a magic attack near the beginning and can no longer do that just the spirit bomb. Also maybe user error. Still getting used to it honestly.
Not sure if this is related, but one of the devs said that the version GOG has right now is an early build that got published in error. They claim to have already sent the updated version, so it's just a matter of it getting patched by GOG internally, I suppose.
I hope they patch everything else that is bunged up with this game...

The music is severely unbalanced, too loud. And as mentioned above, if you tweak it it has a chance of cutting out completely.

Controls have a delay to them as well, something that is pretty much unacceptable for this type of game... I'd say there's at least a 1/4th of a second delay between input and on screen reaction. Not just for attacks, but general movement as well.

Menus are buggy, no way to leave the game once it's running.

No music cue when you die? The music just keeps on playing making the otherwise cool OST feel obnoxious and repetitive...

I hope these issues get addressed soon... If not, I may have to refund this thing, and that's sad.

PS. Go see the Steam reviews... it looks like the same exact issues are plaguing that release. Not sure if I buy that GOG got the wrong version of the game, unless they also did the same with Steam... *sigh
Post edited March 25, 2016 by Greydancer
It seems the keyboard controls are bit bugged right now. Using a controller is definitely more responsive.

The developer did mention that he was working on a patch for Gog in the Steam forums.
JiminyJickers: It seems the keyboard controls are bit bugged right now. Using a controller is definitely more responsive.

The developer did mention that he was working on a patch for Gog in the Steam forums.
The Windows, Mac, and Linux versions have been patched to 1.0.5927.27778.
Post edited March 25, 2016 by JudasIscariot
The patch did not address the most burning issue which is movement input delay on keyboards.

Tried it for a bit, it's not a bad game but the janky movement is killing it.
Post edited March 25, 2016 by Picard85
Picard85: The patch did not address the most burning issue which is movement input delay on keyboards.

Tried it for a bit, it's not a bad game but the janky movement is killing it.
Agree. Still needs work.
Soo.. any news? Keyboard controls are still bad and for some reason not rebindable. Even worse with my gamepad: the normal attack is on a button meant for menus.. (and quite hard to reach if you also want to use other buttons..)
Here is the most recent update from the devs over on the Steam forums. This was posted on 4/27:
Patch 1 Plan

Hi peeps. Sorry for radio silence! We have been interviewing for a programmer and did not want to start talking solid plans before we had found our programmer and he could confirm exactly what is achievable in given time frames.

Obviously there were some major troubles towards the end of development, and given the amount of slippages there had already been , we (wrongly) decided the right idea would be to ship and patch fast based on feedback, but then we lost our hindsight Early Access would've been the way to go. Again, we spoke about this internally but (wrongly) decided against it.

We are a new team and have learnt an awful lot throughout this process, and its really sad that our learnings came at the price of your confidence in our ability and our image. But after 10-12 weeks Slain! will be the product we all hoped it would be first time round.

Below is an outline of the first patch...we are aiming to deliver this within 5 weeks. Depending on how smoothly this goes...we will then outline Patch 2 and take some thoughts/suggestions from you! Patch 2 focused on playability rather than functionality and should be delivered within 6-8 weeks from delivery of patch 1.

Patch 1

Fix keyboard input lag.

A controls diagram for joypad and keyboard in the options menu (changes depending on the currently connected joypad).

2 key layouts to choose from for the keyboard and each joypad. Joypad users will be able to choose whether to use the control stick or d-pad.

A more detailed control tutorial plus less vague combat hints.

Saving player progress at checkpoints, plus fixing any other bugs related to saving.

Menu option to quit back to HUB on levels that have been passed (appears after completing Bloodgrounds).

Saving symbol when game is saving.

Fix checkpoint bug and any other bugs that turn up.

New level transition art.

New font.

Improved tutorial.

Improve dialogue / script.

Fix SFX volume.

Cross fading from one scene to the next.