undyingnephalim: I have been able to play SC3K for several years now in fullscreen with no issues at all. Quite randomly today the game now always starts in windowed mode at a tiny resolution. If change the resolution in Preferences, the windows bar blocks all of the UI at the bottom of the screen and the game is basically unplayable. I'm going a bit insane here trying to fix the problem, I have no idea how this game ran in fullscreen for years and out of nowhere with no input from me it seems to be locked in Windowed mode. Any help would be appreciated.
Few months ago, GoG updated their install with DDrawCompat. Which is set to "borderless".
The ini file is in the Apps folder wherever you installed SC3k.
It has:
FpsLimiter = msgloop(45)
FullscreenMode = borderless
SupportedREsolutions = 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x720, 1360x768, 1920x1080
LogLevel = none
This is used because it includes a bunch of features, including FPS limiter (required with SC3k from my past experience). And borderless so less crashes for those who stream/record (I do not care, others do of course) and/or alt-tabbing.
Anyways, about the most you can do is tell Windows to hide the taskbar and wait for it to hide itself BEFORE starting SC3k. You may still have a few pixels at the very bottom below the screen though. (This was tested on W10 with 1080 monitor)
I tried adding the RemoveBorders option did not do anything.
I tried changing borderless to exclusive but didn't change behavior.
It seems SC3k does not quite support doing borderless correctly, as the top bar is still there (can't interact with it though).
There is a newer version of DDrawCompat:
https://github.com/narzoul/DDrawCompat/releases Nothing in there sounds like it would fix this. (Tested, did not fix)
Other settings if you want to mess around in DDrawCompat:
You can hit Shift-F11 and change some settings, otherwise the ini file has to be modified directly.
https://github.com/narzoul/DDrawCompat/wiki/Configuration An alternative is to replace DDrawCompat with dgVoodoo, making sure to turn dgVoodoo FPS limiter on (to 45) as well. I have not tested this.
Eh, just tested dgvoodoo, and doing the same type of thing. Only choice is set resolution to one smaller than your max on monitor, or have Windows autohide the taskbar.