nvali: Is there any chance of a dedicated server for this? Please? If money's a problem, attempt a kickstarter. Don't think you'd need much. And it would make playing with other people well... A lot more easy to do.
P.S.: love it.
Hi, we have a sort-of dedicated server mode that we use for development. You can launch it with a shortcut to "signalops_server.exe --dedicated". At the moment it will launch without a console window and show up in task manager as p3dpythonw.exe. You can also pass it a "--load 0001" option for example to load a savegame with name 0001.
In-game it only properly supports quick save / quick load with F6/F9 or [ and ], unless you are running the client in the same machine as the dedicated server. You cannot start a new game from within the client, you'll have to kill off the server process and relaunch it to do so.
To connect to the server from the same machine it is running on, pick join game from the network menu and just leave the text input blank and hit enter.
Maybe in a future patch we can make this more user-friendly. What sort of features would you want to see?
PS, glad you like the game and we hope we've fixed most of the problems you mentioned in your review. If you feel the game is better now, we would truly appreciate if it was updated to reflect your thoughts on the current state of the game.