Swedrami: Possibly only occurs in this specific spot (during the encounter "Stopped in Tracks" of Episode Four, "Metro Central") with this specific ability ("Assault") but in case it's indicating a more general issue:
https://imgur.com/dKoB7cf Thanks for going through the effort of posting video.
We're aware that there's still the occasional case left where a character will visually aim or step out of cover in the wrong direction (it does not affect the game mechanically in any way, however).
It's sadly (but also luckily) not one big systemic problem but many individual cases and eliminating them has been like swatting flies. Maybe one day we'll get every last one of them... one day...
Swedrami: Also, again making a case for more HUD customisability given how obviously "visually busy" and cluttered it gets the more HUD elements (pop-ups, tool-tips, etc) come into view, on top of all the things that are visible and on screen by default/all the time anyway.
Well, not as obviously as you'd think. Funnily we've been receiving contradictory feedback on this since the game's reveal and still after the game's release with some complaining about screen clutter and others praising the game for having a clean UI that is not overly busy. But yeah, I hear ya. I hope we'll manage to squeeze in some additional HUD customizability options - some of these should be rather cheap to do.
Personally my biggest gripe is that the movement ranges are too busy with all those "islands" instead of only showing one border for the maximum movement range - it is particularly pronounced on levels with height differences like the one your GIF is from. We've tried cleaning that up but haven't been able to do so bug-free before release.
Side note: I see that you haven't hidden the panel with the hit chance breakdown. So, just in case: besides the details panel in the bottom right corner that's another HUD element that you can hide already.