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So far I've played Razor's Edge (3 chapters) and From The Shadows, Run. (1 chapter)

Razors Edge showed a lot of promise, the story appears to be a real good one but there's only 2-3 hours of gameplay in it (the final mission being about an hour or so).

From the Shadows is even shorter, you don't even know whats up really, before the module ends already. Still it seems to be quality in the making.

Is there anything finished already that's any good? Worth a recommendation?

I don't think I want more beginnings of epic stories that might be finished some day or not.


Ok, the first to meet my criteria fully.

A Stitch in Time.

And a second as well!

Antumbra series.

And lastly: Caldecott Caper and CalFree in Chains (for Hong Kong)
Post edited October 12, 2018 by Jarmo
Well then... are there at least any UGC adventures that are finished? Even if not all that good.

Meanwhile, I've also played Silver Angel, Seattle 2050 some ways forward,
seems good but a bit buggy and is in a serious need of balancing the encounters,
also unfinished at this point.
Nightmare Harvest, and Shadowrun Unlimited are two of my favorites.
TheTonyOne: Nightmare Harvest, and Shadowrun Unlimited are two of my favorites.
I'll have to try Nightmare Harvest at least, when I get around to reinstalling Shadowrun.
(game pc crapped up and had to reinstall, win 8 is just awesome)
TheTonyOne: Nightmare Harvest, and Shadowrun Unlimited are two of my favorites.
Jarmo: I'll have to try Nightmare Harvest at least, when I get around to reinstalling Shadowrun.
(game pc crapped up and had to reinstall, win 8 is just awesome)
Jacked-Up is very popular, and was featured in a "Let's Play" by Mitch and Jordan, the lead developers of SRR. I've heard it's VERY good.
Post edited January 07, 2014 by PhillipEarl
A Stitch in Time.

It's long, great and finished.
D_Q_Domy: A Stitch in Time.

It's long, great and finished.
+1 to this!

I think I'm only at the half-way mark and I feel like I've put a fair few hours into it so far. It's got a pretty good plot, the writing is generally pretty good and interesting, there are paths open/closed to you based on your stats and choices (so can be played through multiple times to get different missions/rewards), keeps track of whether you're "good" or "evil" (somewhat), has very good mission variety (with every class finding something to do), is pretty challenging, and is relatively non-linear (there are 3-4 "chapters", but most things within the chapters can be done in (almost) any order).

Plus it got updated just the other day - so the author is still fixing/tweaking it (I'd consider it "finished", though some tweaks and fixes will inevitably improve it).

As others have said, Nightmare Harvest looks pretty good, though I've only gotten a small taste of it so far. The early scenes appear well-written, plus they have some interesting options/puzzles as well. Haven't played enough to see how linear (or not) it is, or how many runners you can hire or missions you can do.

Shadowrun Unlimited looks promising, but it appears to be designed to appeal to people who think that World of Warcraft doesn't have enough tedious grinding. It's non-linear and it has some great ideas (that other mods should use IMO), but it's repetitive - which is made worse by the fact that most of your time is spent moving from scene to scene (and then waiting for the scenes to load, which take a horrendous amount of time for some reason). Also you only have a small number of runners to hire AFAIK. Having said that, it has by far the most endorsements on Nexus, so most others love it anyway.
I just read about those 4 mods:
The Price of Conviction
From the Shadows
The Copycat Killer
Never Trust an Elf

Has anyone played them? Are they good?
I ask, because i only have a very restricted connection and every wasted dl real hurts.
Post edited January 26, 2014 by Schnuff
Schnuff: I just read about those 4 mods:

From the Shadows
This I mentioned in the first post, seems good but is just the first short chapter. Or was when I tried it.
Jarmo: This I mentioned in the first post, seems good but is just the first short chapter. Or was when I tried it.
ahh, sorry ;-)
And Act II (in 2 parts is now ready).
Schnuff: I just read about those 4 mods:
The Price of Conviction
From the Shadows
The Copycat Killer
Never Trust an Elf

Has anyone played them? Are they good?
I ask, because i only have a very restricted connection and every wasted dl real hurts.
From the Shadows is (as stated above) complete. It's not your "typical" Shadowrun experience, but it's pretty good.

I haven't tried Never Trust an Elf or The Price of Conviction because as far as I can tell from the descriptions they are not complete (but playable, as in first chapter/part).

Speaking of incomplete stuff:

- There's a remake of the SNES version in Alpha - It's mostly playable, but it gets unbalanced 2/3 of the way through though:

- The first in the Shadowrun Identity series has an Alpha out. So far it's very buggy but playable, and it's FULL of Shadowrun lore (and lots of characters and objects that can be interacted with - seems like every second object allows you to do something with it). Hopefully it'll get finished (looks a bit up in the air at the moment):
D_Q_Domy: A Stitch in Time.

It's long, great and finished.
squid830: +1 to this!
Dragonfall got me back to Shadowrun, (re)tried a few other modules I've tried before.

Seems Razors Edge is still at the same 1-3 chapters state, good opening and then ends.
From the Shadows, Run has more content now, but the way the (short) chapters are individual modules funked up my gameplay. Should have kept a lot more saves and specifically should have saved at the end of each chapter. Abandoned it, for now at least.

Shadowrun Unlimited has a lot of obvious potential. The first module where walking about in town with assault rifle is frowned upon by the law. Safehouses, all very nice things I'd like to see in other modules.
But it's not for me, especially as it seems the "main plot" is still unfinished.

But of all the ones I've tried, A Stitch in Time seems easily the best. On par with the official stuff.
I'm not done with it yet, moved to uptown safehouse, did side jobs, now finished with the first actual mission there.

Tried it first with a samurai/shaman, but while it can be played with about anything, I really felt a decker to be the best fit. Seems like a good bet so far.

Thanks for the recommendation you both there.
Post edited June 19, 2014 by Jarmo
squid830: +1 to this!
Jarmo: Dragonfall got me back to Shadowrun, (re)tried a few other modules I've tried before.

Seems Razors Edge is still at the same 1-3 chapters state, good opening and then ends.
From the Shadows, Run has more content now, but the way the (short) chapters are individual modules funked up my gameplay. Should have kept a lot more saves and specifically should have saved at the end of each chapter. Abandoned it, for now at least.

Shadowrun Unlimited has a lot of obvious potential. The first module where walking about in town with assault rifle is frowned upon by the law. Safehouses, all very nice things I'd like to see in other modules.
But it's not for me, especially as it seems the "main plot" is still unfinished.

But of all the ones I've tried, A Stitch in Time seems easily the best. On par with the official stuff.
I'm not done with it yet, moved to uptown safehouse, did side jobs, now finished with the first actual mission there.

Tried it first with a samurai/shaman, but while it can be played with about anything, I really felt a decker to be the best fit. Seems like a good bet so far.

Thanks for the recommendation you both there.
I've played through A Stitch in Time all the way twice now. The first time was with a decker, and the decker does get alternative mission options that other characters do not, but the non-decker-specific missions are more challenging since you need to spend more points on non-combat abilities, plus there are a number of missions where decking skills are not required at all. Or maybe that was just me, since I also upped my charisma early on so I could do all of the extra side missions in the first chapter...

The second time I played a mega-cybered out samurai. I found it much easier the second time around - but that could also be because I knew what was coming from the previous play-thru, or possibly because I totally abused the
access stash anywhere function" (which is just so damn useful). I was still able to hire a decker when I needed one, but naturally missed out on those couple of decker-solo missions.

I have to say the cyber available in this mod is pretty cool. Also don't overlook the magic tattoos - they're like cyber for magical characters (although my cybered-warrior ended up with one of those as well!).

It's also pretty balanced - I've played bits of this as a mage/shaman and as an adept, and both were pretty cool.
Post edited June 19, 2014 by squid830
squid830: The second time I played a mega-cybered out samurai. I found it much easier the second time around - but that could also be because I knew what was coming from the previous play-thru, or possibly because I totally abused the access stash anywhere function" (which is just so damn useful).
Ok, finished A Stitch in Time now.
The plot took a hit about halfway through (when you leave the city) and the rest of the game was pretty much a big long slaughterfeast. Being a decker wasn't all that fun after that, thankfully I had pretty decent SMG skills as well so it was all fine.

If I were to play again, I'd probably pick a magi, given how I always took (at least) one as backup anyway.
But I don't think I will any time too soon, time to thin my gog backlog a bit.
squid830: The second time I played a mega-cybered out samurai. I found it much easier the second time around - but that could also be because I knew what was coming from the previous play-thru, or possibly because I totally abused the access stash anywhere function" (which is just so damn useful).
Jarmo: Ok, finished A Stitch in Time now.
The plot took a hit about halfway through (when you leave the city) and the rest of the game was pretty much a big long slaughterfeast. Being a decker wasn't all that fun after that, thankfully I had pretty decent SMG skills as well so it was all fine.

If I were to play again, I'd probably pick a magi, given how I always took (at least) one as backup anyway.
But I don't think I will any time too soon, time to thin my gog backlog a bit.
Yeah I agree with you on that one - I personally much preferred the "proper" shadow runs rather than that slogging through wilderness. I didn't mind that "Hard Target" mission for a change of pace, but the final bit did grate a bit. To be fair there are a number of games that have done similar things through the years, where they give up their basic mechanics for one final massive slog near the end.

I personally enjoyed the Prestige International missions much more than the Techmasters ones, which is another reason I'd prefer a non-decker character. I've got to hand it to the author though, putting in those extra decker-only bits - it's pretty rare for most UGCs to pay much attention to deckers.

Actually there's another UGC that's worth a shot for anyone who's bored of the other UGCs out there, or rather series of UGCs: the Antumbra series.

The first one is pretty short and only allows you to choose one of two runners to go with you, but it builds up the story which carries over into part 2 (although all parts are pretty much self-contained, and you can start from any of them).

The second one, Eclipse, is much better and longer, although it plays out more in a Dead Man Switch style (that is, you have a central base but you're basically "led" from one location to the next).

The third one, Corona, is by far the best. It's story design is closer to Dragonfall in that you can choose which missions to tackle first (you typically get a number to choose from), and to top it off your choices really make a noticeable difference in this one. Basically the runs you do are not just to build up your personal cash/weapons, but also your supplies and manpower for an upcoming defense - both of which are reflected in your base (as in how many supplies/people are around your base - pretty satisfying seeing it build up after every mission). You also tend to find new "free" recruits in most missions which you can then use for free in subsequent ones (you also have hireable mercs, but they're probably not worth it due to their cost).

All parts have decisions which affect events in subsequent parts - so although it would have been better for all three to have been in one package, this is pretty close. For the full experience it's probably best to start from the first, although if you find it lacking I'd recommend starting from the second as it's much better. It's also possible to start from the third if you really want to, but you'll be missing out some cool plot points (and potential rewards!).

All in all the Antumbra series are now up there with A Stitch In Time and Nightmare Harvest.