Posted July 28, 2015

And as per my first (edited) post, Antumbra is one of the two shadowrun modules I'm really happy with and ready to recommend to anyone.
Trauma kits are now apparently worthless, despite the game throwing them at you and offering them for sale. I got knocked on my ass several times with the game cutting straight to a 'game over' without me being able to avail myself of one of the two kits I had on me. I can only imagine the lengths that the modder went to in order to make such a thing possible, let alone why they thought it was a good idea.
Arbitrarily restricting the player to one additional Shadowrunner is exceptionally poor design. The whole point of working with a crew in Shadowrun is that the group has a variety of skills that enable them to work as a single unit capable of tackling a variety of obstacles. Here, it's you and just one other schmuck, meaning that you will be running severely undermanned, even with the scaled down (and subsequently dull) combat encounters. I appreciate that the modder took the time to give the individual runners banter and all that, but what exactly was stopping them from also making it possible to hire a number of them?
Shameless railroading was what ultimately made me quit. I don't mind linearity in gaming; in fact, I'm more prone to fault a game for being so open and unstructured that it destroys any sense of narrative cohesion *cough*UltimaBaldursGate*cough*. That said, when you have a character who is crucial to your plot and want them to survive, you make sure that they leave the area before anyone can get a shot off at them. What you do *not* do is have them move towards the exit, stop right next to the runners, allowing them to unload on the guy only to find out that nothing can take him below a single health point. Not only is it lazy design, it ultimately makes the resulting fight that much harder without reloading, because I just wasted a round on trying to kill an invincible low level metahuman who can take my Scorpion and my companion's H&K at point blank range.