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squid830: To be fair there are a number of games that have done similar things through the years, where they give up their basic mechanics for one final massive slog near the end.
No arguments there. It's rather difficult to name an RPG that finishes with something but massive battle (or series of battles) leading to the super tough end boss.

I'll try the other recommendations when I next get the craving to shadowrun a bit.
Schnuff: I just read about those 4 mods:


The Copycat Killer


Has anyone played them? Are they good?
I ask, because i only have a very restricted connection and every wasted dl real hurts.
Copycat Killer is very poor. It's very short, buggy, poorly written, and the combat encounters aren't even remotely balanced for anything other than a twinked out Street Samurai. Part of the problem is that it seems to have been an attempt to adapt a P&P module that was meant for a group, and often the player is on their own.
squid830: Actually there's another UGC that's worth a shot for anyone who's bored of the other UGCs out there, or rather series of UGCs: the Antumbra series.

The first one is pretty short ...............
The second one, Eclipse, is much better and longer, ......
The third one, Corona, is by far the best.
Thanks for recommendation, and I agree.
Came back to shadowrun with the Dragonfall directors cut and tackled this one as well.

The first is clearly an amateur effort, the second is already a very decent fan creation. But the third one is.. well maybe not as good as the official modules, but... professional quality stuff nonetheless.

The best one yet, alongside stitch in time.

Have to add. Antumbra had several inventive combat encounters where you had to hold ground, withdraw, fight with the clock ticking, or do some other unusual stuff. Props for that.

There's several levels where having a decker really helps, but a decker is not a very good choice to have. Better be something with combat prowess. Street samurai is a good bet. Also a bunch of summon points here and there.

I played with a mixup character, decent ranged weapon skills/a weak shaman/real weak mage (heal spell), some cyber and a datajack for smartlink weapons. Also a bit of adept but that was a useless mistake. Worked out fine anyway.
Post edited October 29, 2014 by Jarmo
squid830: Actually there's another UGC that's worth a shot for anyone who's bored of the other UGCs out there, or rather series of UGCs: the Antumbra series.

The first one is pretty short ...............
The second one, Eclipse, is much better and longer, ......
The third one, Corona, is by far the best.
Jarmo: Thanks for recommendation, and I agree.
Came back to shadowrun with the Dragonfall directors cut and tackled this one as well.

The first is clearly an amateur effort, the second is already a very decent fan creation. But the third one is.. well maybe not as good as the official modules, but... professional quality stuff nonetheless.

The best one yet, alongside stitch in time.
I do agree with your comments. The third one was really great. And even if the first one was the weakest of them (still better than many UGC), it still has it own personality and was a good play.

Anyone has heard yet of UGC being done for Dragonfall: Director's Cut? The Nexus is rather slow those last weeks...
Jarmo: Thanks for recommendation, and I agree.
Came back to shadowrun with the Dragonfall directors cut and tackled this one as well.

The first is clearly an amateur effort, the second is already a very decent fan creation. But the third one is.. well maybe not as good as the official modules, but... professional quality stuff nonetheless.

The best one yet, alongside stitch in time.
fredlepfr: I do agree with your comments. The third one was really great. And even if the first one was the weakest of them (still better than many UGC), it still has it own personality and was a good play.

Anyone has heard yet of UGC being done for Dragonfall: Director's Cut? The Nexus is rather slow those last weeks...
Two things spring to mind that have been specifically re-worked to fit work with SRR:DF:DC: Shadowrun Unlimited (get from official site - link from the Nexus), and Jacked Up.

I haven't tried either one yet, but from what I've read, Jacked Up has had a few tweaks so it's playable a bit further than before - hopefully the modder keeps it going 'cos what's there already is pretty nice, even though you can't pick your character at the start. SU has had additions continuously as usual (haven't checked it out in ages now - still waiting for it to get less grindy and/or have more plot added).

Just for a laugh I tried running the Antumbra series through DF:DC - starting with no 2 - and it appears to work at least! I actually think that in theory most mods will work - possibly even completable all the way through - but since the combat has changed a lot they'll probably be unbalanced.

As an example, in Antumbra 2, the first actual "mission" in the Pyramid, I tried to talk past a guard, failed and he opened fire. Now normally (even on V. Hard), you might get hit, hurt badly even - but in this case he one-turn killed me!

Once past the first turn though, the combat tends to be easier due to the cover mechanics - unless the level design has no cover of course...

Here's hoping some new mods turn up soon though, as the new SRR system introduced with DC is a massive improvement. Hopefully people will also start using the extra team-member mechanics too...
Post edited October 31, 2014 by squid830
Thank you for those infos, really appreciated. Available time is short right now, but I'll try the new modules soon hopefully. :)
On Nexus, Antumbra saga (the three stories in one file) have been reworked to work in Dragonfall : Director's Cut. According to the creator, no new missions and no whole new discussions but a general update to accomodate the new system in the game.

I haven't tried it yet, but it seems to work well according to some posters. The creator is still doing updates.
Thanks everyone for the good advice, +1 for everyone who took the time to write some detailed information.
I still have some questions:
Do you need both Returns and Dragonfall to play these UGCs?
Can I convert characters from one campaign to the next?
6 months later, has anyone by any chance noticed anything new worth playing?

Hong Kong is still at least half a year away and I'd feel like shadowrunning,
but don't feel like repeating old runs.
Jarmo: Hong Kong is still at least half a year away and I'd feel like shadowrunning,
but don't feel like repeating old runs.
Sorry, Jarmo! I got these games in the recent sale, but I've only had a chance to get through SRR.

I've downloaded a few modules, so if I find anything good I'll post back here. I've still got Dragonfall to get through first, however.

Personally I'm looking for something with really large battles with many units on both sides. As I was playing SRR I kept thinking how fun that would be. I don't mean a million enemies against your four runners, either. I mean a huge battle.
Post edited June 25, 2015 by UniversalWolf
UniversalWolf: Personally I'm looking for something with really large battles with many units on both sides. As I was playing SRR I kept thinking how fun that would be. I don't mean a million enemies against your four runners, either. I mean a huge battle.
A Stitch in Time definitely has that angle covered. Atumbra as well, but to a bit lesser degree.
Decided to take a look at some of the content I previously didn't, bottom of the barrel so to speak.

Nightmare Harvest.

SRR only, no Dragonfall aware version.
Seems kind of ok with a bit of good and a bit of bad.
The setting is good, well done little slice of a town, the characters are good enough and the main plot is interesting.

Roleplay opportunities are unfortunately very limited sometimes, like... you're going to find information from a night club and your options are... to start a fight. You can talk to some folks, but there's no entry without killing a whole bunch of people first. Similar situations here and there, you have several choices but only one that's not instant death.

The combat is ok, not best ever but perfectly ok.
A good choice of weaponry, cyber and spells available.

Too bad my PC started flaking out and I now can't continue without hard crashing.
Guessing I'm maybe two thirds to 90% done, so unless I can salvage a savegame, I don't think I'll replay from the start.

So... as per my first post, Nightmare Harvest is indeed any good, maybe worth recommendation even, assuming you've already played the two recommended modules and are just dying for more.

Edit. And did get the PC into some kind of order and finished.
All that was left was a couple of big fights and choices of which side to take, which was a nice touch.

More edit.
Also almost tried From the Shadows again, but only the 3rd part is Dragonfall, without character import from 1 and 2.
So I'll not right now and see in couple of months if they'd all happen to have been dragonfallified,
preferably as one big module.
Post edited July 06, 2015 by Jarmo
Jarmo: Decided to take a look at some of the content I previously didn't, bottom of the barrel so to speak.

Nightmare Harvest.

SRR only, no Dragonfall aware version.
Seems kind of ok with a bit of good and a bit of bad.
The setting is good, well done little slice of a town, the characters are good enough and the main plot is interesting.

Roleplay opportunities are unfortunately very limited sometimes, like... you're going to find information from a night club and your options are... to start a fight. You can talk to some folks, but there's no entry without killing a whole bunch of people first. Similar situations here and there, you have several choices but only one that's not instant death.

The combat is ok, not best ever but perfectly ok.
A good choice of weaponry, cyber and spells available.

Too bad my PC started flaking out and I now can't continue without hard crashing.
Guessing I'm maybe two thirds to 90% done, so unless I can salvage a savegame, I don't think I'll replay from the start.

So... as per my first post, Nightmare Harvest is indeed any good, maybe worth recommendation even, assuming you've already played the two recommended modules and are just dying for more.

Edit. And did get the PC into some kind of order and finished.
All that was left was a couple of big fights and choices of which side to take, which was a nice touch.

More edit.
Also almost tried From the Shadows again, but only the 3rd part is Dragonfall, without character import from 1 and 2.
So I'll not right now and see in couple of months if they'd all happen to have been dragonfallified,
preferably as one big module.
Looks like the three episodes of Antumbra have been converted into one DF:DC module. Not sure if that's all of them, or even if they are any good. Might look into them later on myself, assuming it doesn't just crash upon trying to run it (like most modules do for me). Shadowrun Unlimited is still apparently nowhere close to being finished, if the Nexus page is to be believed. A shame, that; I like the idea of a module both being plot-driven while providing the freedom of a sandbox, but the Nexus page still indicates that the story is still a WIP, and the mod's own site doesn't do anything to negate the impression of it not being finished.

All in all, there isn't a whole lot of new stuff. Mostly just the same disappointing stuff that got pumped out right around the time of the original release with maybe the occasional bugfix update. As a UGC platform, SRR is kind of disappointing. Then again, maybe I was spoiled by the Doom mod scene; not only is the game still getting mod work done despite the fact that if it were a person it would legally be allowed to drink, the stuff that gets produced never fails to have something worthwhile.
Jonesy89: Looks like the three episodes of Antumbra have been converted into one DF:DC module. Not sure if that's all of them, or even if they are any good.
Yep, it's all of them and a completed story.
And as per my first (edited) post, Antumbra is one of the two shadowrun modules I'm really happy with and ready to recommend to anyone.
Jarmo: per my first (edited) post, Antumbra is one of the two shadowrun modules I'm really happy with and ready to recommend to anyone.
Thanks, Jarmo. I'll remember that.

After playing SRR and SRDF back-to-back, I've moved on to other things for the moment, but I'll be back.