sinder87: Oh boy, Postal 2... Remember when it took more than half a year to get a single patch the Steam version already had?
And i'm pretty sure when that patch was actually released the Steam version got a completely brand new update.
It is a different situation. Postal's developers are
very few, and they admitted that it would take longer to release the game here. It is quite understandable, as the update was pretty heavy and used Steam as sort of an Early Access situation (they were rolling experimental builds). When the final version was released, it didn't take that long to be released here. After that, the only updates Steam has received, are workshop/steamworks related stuff.
Under my eyes, this is the way to go. They had to focus on Steam version first because it is easier for developers to roll updates and receive feedback and obviously has more players. But,
since day 1 they said they wouldn't forget about us.
And that is the capital difference, feedback to users. They went to the Postal subforum here and said that, it would take more time, but
everything (new DLC included) would come here. If you messaged them via social network asking about GOG, they answered. On the other hand, FWH
has not said anything regarding GOG. No announcement and, what I see worst, ignoring users, not only via social media but via mail. This company is actively neglecting customer support for us. In fact, as I have been told (thanks to Ingsoc85), they are indeed providing GOG with other OS builds
but not the update (and still keeping dead silent), which I consider as a blatant
"FUCK YOU" and is the reason I went from "politely awaiting" to "fuck these assholes".