Posted July 29, 2011
Disregard this post if asking help for non-gog versions is frowned upon here.
Well, after seeing the gog release I realised I sadly already had the game on Steam, so I downloaded it to play it for the first time. It worked fine at first but after disabling the alternate control method, just to see what it changed because I wasn't sure if I would prefer it over the default setting, then turning it back on because it's certainly preferable, I now get constant mouselook drift.
The view automatically looks way up as soon as gameplay begins and I have no vertical mouselook control, only horizontal. The mouse actually functions as intended if I right click to open my inventory or press Esc to go to the menu, it's only the mouselook function that suffers.
Disabling alternate controls work properly but they aren't preferable.
Restarting the game didn't fix it and I can't notice anything about control in the cfg file (the one in the App Data is the functional one, which I used to change the game to windowed mode since it doesn't work right with widescreen resolution).
Does anyone know anything about this? Is the issue present in the gog release?
Edit: if I turn fullscreen back on from the cfg file the game functions as intended. However, I'm pretty sure that at first it also worked properly in windowed mode. Not 100% sure, but pretty sure, so I don't think it's just the windowed mode alone which causes it. Even if it is though, since the game isn't actually widescreen the windowed mode is preferable, so if anyone has a solution, that would be great to have because alternate control enabled feels much more natural than disabled, when it functions properly.
Well, after seeing the gog release I realised I sadly already had the game on Steam, so I downloaded it to play it for the first time. It worked fine at first but after disabling the alternate control method, just to see what it changed because I wasn't sure if I would prefer it over the default setting, then turning it back on because it's certainly preferable, I now get constant mouselook drift.
The view automatically looks way up as soon as gameplay begins and I have no vertical mouselook control, only horizontal. The mouse actually functions as intended if I right click to open my inventory or press Esc to go to the menu, it's only the mouselook function that suffers.
Disabling alternate controls work properly but they aren't preferable.
Restarting the game didn't fix it and I can't notice anything about control in the cfg file (the one in the App Data is the functional one, which I used to change the game to windowed mode since it doesn't work right with widescreen resolution).
Does anyone know anything about this? Is the issue present in the gog release?
Edit: if I turn fullscreen back on from the cfg file the game functions as intended. However, I'm pretty sure that at first it also worked properly in windowed mode. Not 100% sure, but pretty sure, so I don't think it's just the windowed mode alone which causes it. Even if it is though, since the game isn't actually widescreen the windowed mode is preferable, so if anyone has a solution, that would be great to have because alternate control enabled feels much more natural than disabled, when it functions properly.
Post edited July 29, 2011 by Al3xand3r