Pseudoman: Yeah, that's kind of strange considering that
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis came with the DOS executable and files. Hopefully they'll add them in a future update.
rarog4000: If somebody needs them, I could upload the DOS exe from German CD version. The question is, does the sound file (MONSTER.SOU) come uncompressed? If it is recompressed with FLAC or other codec, the DOS exe will not be of any help.
There is a MONSTER.SOU and it is 174 MB.
It's not a problem getting the game / files. Plenty of abandonware sites. But it's annoying that you get a lesser product when you actually hand over money.
I agree regarding compressing and I have no idea why they compressed the SOU file in Fate of Atlantis, it makes no sense to me in times when downloadable games are approaching 50 GB.