Anarchy_Blues: I guess GOG is advertised as a DRM-free store, not a spyware-free store, but even so... fuck GOG is basically what I'm trying to say here. They haven't learned anything after Hitman.
The problem with Hitman was, that single player content was drm locked. This is not the case for SR4.
You can still play it without EOS, so still drm free. The EOS is only needed for multiplayer, so those who want can finally play with those who bought the game on Steam or Epic. If they used XBoxLive or Steam even, the outcry would have been louder.
Also you can revert the game back to the original version released in 2017 with all it's original content. And yes - that version crashed when you clicked on buttons with online functionalitites, that is nothing new.
All summed up I would say, they did learn.
Would have been nicer tho to just have two separated entries in the game library.