seanwood7777: Neat, I'll be backing up that all in one redist later.
Also, the game seems to work anyway (for me at least) if you go to C:\GOG Games\RoboCop Rogue City\Game\Binaries\Win64 and make a shortcut to the RoboCop-Win64-Shipping executable, and run it that way.
I've had at least 2 or 3 other GoG games fail to run cause they were missing some redist nonsense, or what have you. Like System Shock 1 Enhanced Edition, Desperados, and Ghost 1.0
Less so GoG's fault (but they should have double checked this type of stuff anyway), more so the Publisher/Developers fault for not including them redists.
I did the shortcut trick initially, but the game will decide to randomly crash with the workaround. It's just a whole lot easier to install the redist and such. I, too, have had this issue a few times over the years. Mostly with DirectX runtimes for dx9, but certainly with the VCC redists. As for Ghost 1.0. don't you just love the fact that the game forgets to create the save folder in the right location, and you have to relocate it to load it? Love the shenanigans here. lmao