mjtp13: I just bought this game but its running realy slow and is unplayable.
Is there anything i can do to fix this.
I have it installed on windows 7.
I'm having the same problem. Looked for a solution online and found the following in the Steam forum:
Right click->properties->compatibility-> Windows XP (SP 2), all other setting default/off
Go to the nvidia system console->under 3d options->add “robin hood.exe” from the game directory->overwrite the following settings:
Antialiasing ->4x
Antialiasing-gamma ->off
Antialiasing mode -> something like overwriting application settings (in german it is: “beliebige Anwendungseinstellung außer Kraft setzen” and I don’t know the proper english translation)
Antialiasing-transparency ->off
Triple buffer ->off
Energy mode -> maximum performance
Threading optimization->off
=>So in fact I deactivated every “higher” feature of the card and used the trick of nerzo with the antialiasing
I have not tried it yet, but I'll give it a shot later.
I hope it works!