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Why reload the guns when the pistol and machine gun has infinite ammo?
Ghostbreed: Why reload the guns when the pistol and machine gun has infinite ammo?
Well, I guess it was done with the same purpose than John Woo's old movies...action drama!
Ghostbreed: Why reload the guns when the pistol and machine gun has infinite ammo?
You may be carrying infinite ammo, but the guns have a finite clip size. But really, I think it is just to add some panic moments into it when your gun goes click on empty and you have to take a moment to reload.
The clips are also infinite. I just tried firing to empty a clip and I stood there for a 15 seconds.
Post edited July 31, 2013 by Ghostbreed
It punishes people who are too used to constantly reloading in modern shooters ;)
Honestly, I think this is great. I don't think I've seen a game before with an optional reload button. I like to reload between firefights just for fun.

Your gun only runs out of bullets when reloading would be cool. Just like the movies. :p
Ghostbreed: Why reload the guns when the pistol and machine gun has infinite ammo?
Rugal1945: Well, I guess it was done with the same purpose than John Woo's old movies...action drama!
Exactly. Reloading after a long battle just gives a feeling of... closure.
Actually, I've lost the machinegun if I continuously fire without reloading. I kind of think of it as the gun overheating and breaking, forcing me to find a new one. I'm not sure why this happens.
I've talked to Aaron Alexander(one of the developers on this game) about reloading, and they said during development they had it so you reloaded, but removed it because it slowed the pace of the game down too much, so they just decided to scrap reloading, but left in the reload animations for those who like to reload(plus the animations are cool as fuck, especially on the dual pistols)
Kondeki: Actually, I've lost the machinegun if I continuously fire without reloading. I kind of think of it as the gun overheating and breaking, forcing me to find a new one. I'm not sure why this happens.
Some enemy jumps to you and take your weapons.
Ghostbreed: Why reload the guns when the pistol and machine gun has infinite ammo?
It's so you can reload your pistols after killing someone, taunt them and look badass all at once ;)
Also there is a bug if you empty the firewall weapon you loose your machine gun.
Something is a bit odd then, as I'm sure, on more than one occasion too, that my dual pistols have emptied the clip as they wouldn't fire. After reloading, they worked fine again.

Either some guns have finite clip size (but infinite ammo) or it is a bug that stops the pistols firing.

I'm sure I've seen my machinegun break too when firing it a lot continuously.
Zevka: Some enemy jumps to you and take your weapons.
I actually just figured this out recently. I never noticed the rolling enemies - or those who appear to roll - steal my weapons.
Zevka: Some enemy jumps to you and take your weapons.
Kondeki: I actually just figured this out recently. I never noticed the rolling enemies - or those who appear to roll - steal my weapons.
No wonder you didn't figure it out in the first place (neither did I) because the animation for that "steal move" is ridiculously bad. The enemy soldier just "magically" slides back and forward really quick. Some guy on another forum even thought this was some kind of bug/clipping issue.

IMO they could at least have done a proper script event where the enemy soldier struggles for a moment to pull the weapon out of your hands or they could have left it out entirely.