OvaltineJenkins: I just finished the game and came to see other people's thoughts. My ending consisted of:
-After escaping prison, Richard and Alice go to Barney's grave and say goodbye.
-Alice gets gun, but no confrontation happens with Richard. Richard said something like he was surprised it was still there and there is one bullet left.
-They go to the church where they discuss the Polar Bears.
-Then, Alice says that she will go with Richard for now, but someday Alice will leave Richard with supplies and no trouble.
-She also says something like when she saw Richard's photo in the beginning, she knew who he was, and she wanted to kill him, but now she is glad to have him as a friend.
-At the end, they say they are going to meet York at the storage vault, and Alice comments on how sometimes she thinks the world hasn't really changed at all.
Also, I got the mystery box with the ladder, but I thought it was weird that Alice would be afraid of going on the ice. With the constant freezing temperatures, I wouldn't think falling through the ice would be an issue, but I guess it was needed for the puzzle.