johkra: OK, these are the known endings and conditions (Please correct me if I got something wrong or if you have more information):
1. Alice knocks Richard out and puts him in Church's basement: No mystery box, other unknown (Novotnus)
2. Richard ends up dead: Mystery box, other unknown (Brandchan, Novotnus)
3. Alice shoots Richard (might be same as 2): Mystery box, other unknown (Firkraags)
4a. Alice and Richard go to the Polar Bears: No mystery box, other unknown (Firkraags)
4b. Alice and Richard go to the Polar Bears: No mystery box, Confessed to killing, Pressed about ambitions (johkra)
5. Alice knocks Richard out, puts him in tool shed: No mystery box, Confessed to killing, Not pressed about ambitions (lowyhong)
The mystery box is obviously a factor. Pressing or not pressing about Alice's ambitions also appears to factor in. It is unknown if confessing to killing or anything which is said to Barney makes a difference. In my previous posting I listed all dialog options with multiple choices I could remember. I also collected a lot of notes, if this makes any difference.
I think we have:
1. Alice and Richard escape the prison and go to Barney's grave. Alice digs up empty gun and threatens Richard with it. Richard is knocked out and locked in tool shack\church basement (it might be my mistake here - it was just little, messy room). Alice escapes alone. (unknown condition + no mystery box).
2. Alice and Richard escape the prison and go to Barney's grave. Alice digs up loaded gun and shoots herself in front of Richard. (unknown condition + mystery box)
NOTE: Conditions for 1. and 2. are the same, Mystery Box is the only difference. We can assume that in my playthrough Alice was affraid of Polars and would do anything to avoid going with Richard.
3. Alice and Richard escape the prison and go to the Polars together (no Mystery Box, other conditions unknown).
4. Alice kills Richard and escapes alone (Mystery Box + unknown condition)
I have seen only 1. and 2. so far - when my Alice had that gun loaded, she killed herself. Things I did:
- Don't press Alice,
- Confess about killing before,
- Tell Barney that Mark is dead,
- Tell Barney that Polars are dangerous.
Something to test later - I wonder what happens if Alice doesn't take the notebook from 2nd floor of the building - will that scene in the church play differently?