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Missed opportunity to put it on Steam as well, I'm sure it'll be considerably more profitable like that.
high rated
Seeing that GOG team did most of the work to restore this game? Propably never.
high rated
Hopefully never.
apfelnymous: Hopefully never.
I wouldn't say hopefully never, as a lot of Steam users appreciate having more 'complete collections'. You'd feel the same with your GOG collection (depending on preference).

As GOG did any sort leg work on this, definitely would recommend GOG first.
Post edited June 28, 2024 by Dark_Xan
lol not gonna happen
GOG are the ones who approached Capcom about these releases, they did the leg work, which means they'll probably remain GOG exclusives.

And it's clear from the interview they did with Sphere Hunter that this wasn't a profit-driven venture. They love these games and wanted to release them, DRM free, to preserve them.
Post edited June 28, 2024 by Timedye
Alpha Protocol released on Steam yesterday if I'm not mistaken, but I don't know if it's barebones port or does it include GOG fixes as well. I'm not opposed to Steam release, but that's question for Capcom and not for GOG.
Timedye: And it's clear from the interview they did with Sphere Hunter that this wasn't a profit-driven venture. They love these games and wanted to release them, DRM free, to preserve them.
Sure. If they are not in it for profit and if this was a love for the games, why is the GOG version inferior to Classic Rebirth? Which was made by a single person over multiple years. Just asking.

These PC versions need to be remastered properly and made available for purchase on every existing platform. Fravoritism doesn't help this franchise.
Post edited June 28, 2024 by the_3rdplayer
Many old games are back to life thanks to GoG. That otherwise would be forgotten. Valve never cared much about old games anyway.
Plus why would you want a Steam release??? It would be the same thing, maybe a bit more expensive and with DRM.
Timedye: And it's clear from the interview they did with Sphere Hunter that this wasn't a profit-driven venture. They love these games and wanted to release them, DRM free, to preserve them.
the_3rdplayer: Sure. If they are not in it for profit and if this was a love for the games, why is the GOG version inferior to Classic Rebirth? Which was made by a single person over multiple years. Just asking.

These PC versions need to be remastered properly and made available for purchase on every existing platform. Fravoritism doesn't help this franchise.
No, this version is not inferior to a modded edition.
You want tactical reloead?
Quick Turn?

Nice use the mods, but those features were never intended for this game. Adding them is not improving. Is changing the whole game.
This is about preservation, keep the game in it's original format.
Play the game as it was back then.

The game you got is the same game you would have gotten in 1997. That's preservation of old media.
Adding tactical reload, quick turn, fixing old translation that were never fixed in the original version. Is not preserving not making it "improved". Is just a modded version with features that you may like but were never there.
Post edited June 28, 2024 by Wild.Dog
They preserved the game with all its broken and known issues: Low quality FMVs, framrate issues and bad renderer because it's based on an oudated release of the game. And preservation doesn't mean you aren't allowed to fix whats broken. GOG is aware of these issues and may/or ma not fix them in future updates.

And nobody is talking about tactical reload and quickturn: These are optional features. Rebirth does everything what GOG does, but better. Both preserve the original game. Rebirth just chose to have tiny optional features to go alongside it that people can turn on if they want. Both versions are legit, but not equal. And that's all I'm saying.

Cool that you support no DRM, but not wanting these games properly preserved in the future and available on every existing platform so that more people have access to them is something I just can't agree with.
the_3rdplayer: They preserved the game with all its broken and known issues: Low quality FMVs, framrate issues and bad renderer because it's based on an oudated release of the game. And preservation doesn't mean you aren't allowed to fix whats broken. GOG is aware of these issues and may/or ma not fix them in future updates.

And nobody is talking about tactical reload and quickturn: These are optional features. Rebirth does everything what GOG does, but better. Both preserve the original game. Rebirth just chose to have tiny optional features to go alongside it that people can turn on if they want. Both versions are legit, but not equal. And that's all I'm saying.

Cool that you support no DRM, but not wanting these games properly preserved in the future and available on every existing platform so that more people have access to them is something I just can't agree with.
I love the rebirth series thanks them many people were able to enjoy re1 2 3 and dc 1 and 2. Plus the fix on others series is amazing.
But that's outside the reach of what preservation is.
Part of the preservation is keeping those little errors that were not fix that. Plus there is the issue with license, what kind of license does the rebirth mod uses, does it allow to be sold?

About being on every platform doesn't mean it will be better kept and preserver in fact it may mean the contrary. Look at ubisoft and their delisting and removal of the whole game. Also there is the other thing, GoG did all work to get it on sale again
Look i love i steam my account is almost 21 years old, but for old games and keeping them alive i rather see them on gog that on steam or epic.
FreezingGemZ-0775: Missed opportunity to put it on Steam as well, I'm sure it'll be considerably more profitable like that.
This isnt a port made by capcom. This is GoG making the game work on modern system for preservation. Capcom did nothing other than saying "yes". So just as much as theres many games here that are not on steam because they were "ported" by GoG, this game is the same. Which is also the reason why it wont come to consoles. Maybe they will put it on steam at some point, but I wouldnt count on it
bzdursky: Seeing that GOG team did most of the work to restore this game? Propably never.
I don't think we'll see it on Steam either. Which is a shame, as it would open up a big segment of the market, and probably would find a lot more buyers than on GOG.

But, if GOG is involved in the porting, then, of course, it is understandable that they choose to promote the own platform. No blame on them.

Heck, at the moment, I'm so delighted that I can play these absolute classics at all. It's been 25 years or more since I played them on Playstation 1.

And, I'm so looking forward to play my favorite part, Resident Evil 2.
Post edited July 02, 2024 by chakkman
Timedye: GOG are the ones who approached Capcom about these releases, they did the leg work, which means they'll probably remain GOG exclusives.

And it's clear from the interview they did with Sphere Hunter that this wasn't a profit-driven venture. They love these games and wanted to release them, DRM free, to preserve them.
It IS profit driven if it stays exclusively on GoG, if it was out of love for the games they would be available on as much storefronts as possible, to enable as many players as possible to play it...