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Nothing a company does is "out of love" for anything. If a company doesn't see money, and employees don't get paid, the company closes. As simple as that. Anything else is naive, romantic BS.
chakkman: Nothing a company does is "out of love" for anything. If a company doesn't see money, and employees don't get paid, the company closes. As simple as that. Anything else is naive, romantic BS.
There still us a difference between a lazy cash-grab and keeping your fav games alive (and getting paid for it)... This here seems to be the second option.
If you want to "grab cash", you don't release 25 year old games...

At the same time, not every modern game released these days is a "cash grab". Actually, I think you can count the "cash grabs" on one hand. It's one of these things people notoriously mention these days. "Cash grab", "milking the customer", and all that kind of thing, which they THINK companies do, and what they don't realize is that it's totally up to the buyer whether he wants to buy into it or not.

Buzz terms, nothing else. Actually, worse. Political buzz terms.
Post edited July 02, 2024 by chakkman
bzdursky: Alpha Protocol released on Steam yesterday if I'm not mistaken, but I don't know if it's barebones port or does it include GOG fixes as well. I'm not opposed to Steam release, but that's question for Capcom and not for GOG.
The Steam version is still the old version that initially released on Steam, it doesn't have the extra fixes that GOG implemented into the game, also doesn't have the other specials like Cloud Saves, Achievements etc that are only available on the GOG version.

Honestly, it's extremely fair if these versions don't release on Steam, GOG are the ones doing the legwork to get these released and working on newer hardware/OS's, if Capcom goes out of their way to do a Resident Evil collection like they have done for other old game series they make (Mega Man, Devil May Cry etc) then those are fair game for any and every platform in my eyes. Ultimately they want people to actually come to GOG and buy games if they release every piece of work they do on other platforms that's never going to happen, because why would anyone decide to buy something on GOG if anything they do will release on other platforms they there chained to so much so that they won't buy them on the store that made it happen in the first place.
Post edited July 02, 2024 by RandomShadows
Timedye: GOG are the ones who approached Capcom about these releases, they did the leg work, which means they'll probably remain GOG exclusives.

And it's clear from the interview they did with Sphere Hunter that this wasn't a profit-driven venture. They love these games and wanted to release them, DRM free, to preserve them.
No profit? I paid for mine...
Timedye: GOG are the ones who approached Capcom about these releases, they did the leg work, which means they'll probably remain GOG exclusives.

And it's clear from the interview they did with Sphere Hunter that this wasn't a profit-driven venture. They love these games and wanted to release them, DRM free, to preserve them.
ThePlake0815: It IS profit driven if it stays exclusively on GoG, if it was out of love for the games they would be available on as much storefronts as possible, to enable as many players as possible to play it...
They clearly have to make money for a living, this doesn't excludes the wish and love of preserving games.

Compared to other stores you are not really bound to the company or launcher to still load an play the games you buy.
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 shows that people do come to Gog to get that game, so maybe some more or less exclusives will also, bringing more customers and more companies, giving us more DRM Free games.
Do people rage because they desperately need all their games in a single place on Steam?
Well, Steam has some nice features. And, yes, I rather boot up a single client, than a dozen.

That said, GOG Galaxy is pretty well made too, and, GOG also has some nice features, like offline installers.
tfishell: Do people rage because they desperately need all their games in a single place on Steam?
That's not really the entire issue, a few launchers are fine. I don't mind having maybe 3, so GOG, Steam and Epic (I know it's a sin)

But add 2K, Ubisoft, XBOX App, Rockstar, EA and everything else into the mix and your pc suddenly launches like it's built in the early 2000s.
Yep. It's really annoying when everybody wants to play Steam.

Thanksfully, some of them are giving up now, like EA, and just offer their games at Steam.
Post edited July 04, 2024 by chakkman
chakkman: Yep. It's really annoying when everybody wants to play Steam.

Thanksfully, some of them are giving up now, like EA, and just offer their games at Steam.
The others need to give up also...

I have no idea why Rockstar, Ubisoft or 2K even have a launcher. I don't mind the stores that sell games from all publishers, that makes sense.

Anyway as for this topic, since GOG is DRM free couldn't a steam user just add a non steam game to steam and just launch it?
Post edited 5 days ago by aureilia
Yes, but, you don't have additional features like counting the ingame hours, statistics etc. You also can't (obviously) download it from Steam, and only use the Steam client, unless you have the offline installer downloaded on your hard drive.

Anyway, not that big of a deal for me.
Post edited 5 days ago by chakkman
But with a proper DRM-free release do you still want a Steam release? But why?
I understand people wanting everything in one place. But, GOG was built firstly to preserve older games which was very niche but is becoming a bit more mainstream with interest in them these days. The biggest issue they have with that is very few "tentpole" games to lure people into the GOG community. Steam is just a juggernaut and Epic is throwing ungodly amounts of money in an attempt to lure people in.

Even though its annoying for some people, I do hope the Res Evil games stay on GOG exclusively. If this works out well for them, they may get other titles like Dino Crisis etc which i'd buy in a heartbeat.

In a perfect world everything would be available everywhere, but with companies being what they are these days, if nobody buys anything from GOG, it wont get funding and then old ports might not actually happen. Steam isnt going to be bothered about contacting Capcom and doing the leg work to get a 30 year old game working on their store, they probably earn more than that easily on "click this cat for achievements" daily.

I'm old and too lazy to get emulators up and running. If i can pay £9 for GOG to just make it work from me from the get go, ill buy it.
If this was a Epic Games Store exclusivity case i would be on board, but here on GOG, they make better effort you know, plus you don't need a launcher, you can buy the game here and then add into your non-Steam library. You can install in many machines you want, you can backup your installer, like damn not even in the CR-ROMs era was that easy.