FloKaj: Hi,
So the gog version of RE1 does not have a difficulty setting but Jill is basically "Easy Mode" and Chris is Standard or Hard difficulty? Is this correct?
Tenkai Star: That's correct.
Jill is more or less easy mode in most respects.
More inventory slots
Begins the game with a gun
Can find a bazooka that can be loaded with various different ammo types
Can get the shotgun with less steps than Chris
Infinite Ink Ribbons for saving in the GOG release only.
Less enemy spawns.
Can take more damage without dying
While lacking the Bazooka, he gains more ammo for the handful of weapons he does get
Gets some free heals from Rebecca
All in all, Chris is 'harder' Though it's not as bad as it seems. It's mostly that he'll do more busywork running back and fourth to get items from the storage.
There are few more things that make Jill easier than Chris.
-You can get the shotgun pretty much as soon as wesker goes missing. Barry will save you from the trap.
-If you help richard and you get bitten, Barry will carry you to the save room, with Chris, you have to play as Rebecca, get the serum and bring it back to Chris
-Chris can't make V-Jolt which is funny, because the instructions are easy, he was extra dummy on the og version..
Jill can make the V-Jolt making the fight way easier even getting help from Barry.
For someone who played the game many times this is just meh, it's an easy game to "speedrun" once you know where everything is.
But for someone playing for the first time playing as Chris can be annoying.