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Any way to update or add libraries to the install path?

Because some of the libraries required from the game are old or conflicting.

I'm using Debian 64-bit and I am trying to get the game to run in my system.

So far, I had to do this:

1) Had to download and manually install libssl1.0.0 from Debian's package website because it's no longer in the repository. The latest is libssl1.0.2.

2) After solving problem 1, game now requires libcurl3 which I have to manually download from Debian package website. However, installation conflicts with libcurl4 libraries which is the latest. Therefore, package installer refuses to install the library.

I've not tried the game on a 32-bit system yet.
I'm also trying not to install any 32-bit libraries in my current system as it complicates things.

If I keep 'ldd'-ing the libraries required it seems to go further down the rabbit hole of dependencies that are outdated or conflicting.
Post edited April 16, 2019 by floccipocci
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floccipocci: Any way to update or add libraries to the install path?

Because some of the libraries required from the game are old or conflicting.

I'm using Debian 64-bit and I am trying to get the game to run in my system.
Debian 64-bit what? Yeah, LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Some GOG installs use it, e.g. Darkest Dungeon. Also, libcurl3 is still available via apt.
The Reassembly linux package stores the necessary shared objects in the linux/linux64 directory and uses rpath to get the executable to load them. It's a 64 bit binary so you don't need any 32 bit libs. libcurl should be included in the installation - if you do `ldd linux/ReassemblyRelease64` you should see it picking up the libs from that directory. In theory you can drop more libraries in there (for example libssl) and it will load them.

If that isn't working you could try pointing LD_LIBRARY_PATH at that directory? I would have expected debian to work - my linux dev machine is Mint and I tested on some recent versions of Ubuntu.
Edit: I had the same problem and compiled a howto make it work again.

This forum ate my post and doesn't allow the postage of link.
I put it on pastebin: PHE6yD5n
Post edited June 26, 2019 by kittenface
I'm also encountering this with Ubuntu 19.10. After downloading and installing/copying the various older libraries, have managed to ldd all the files it needs, however it is requesting openSSL 1.0.2.

./ReassemblyRelease64: /home/atollski/Applications/Reassembly/game/linux/linux64/ version `OPENSSL_1.0.2' not found (required by /home/atollski/Applications/Reassembly/game/linux/linux64/

I have 1.1.1c installed but not sure if there is an easy way to use the older version

Would be very grateful for any help since I'm not all that great with Linux!
kittenface: Edit: I had the same problem and compiled a howto make it work again.

This forum ate my post and doesn't allow the postage of link.
I put it on pastebin: PHE6yD5n
Would just like to say thank you for this guide Kittenface, I have managed to get the game running successfully thanks to you!
manylegged: The Reassembly linux package stores the necessary shared objects in the linux/linux64 directory and uses rpath to get the executable to load them. It's a 64 bit binary so you don't need any 32 bit libs. libcurl should be included in the installation - if you do `ldd linux/ReassemblyRelease64` you should see it picking up the libs from that directory. In theory you can drop more libraries in there (for example libssl) and it will load them.

If that isn't working you could try pointing LD_LIBRARY_PATH at that directory? I would have expected debian to work - my linux dev machine is Mint and I tested on some recent versions of Ubuntu.
I'm getting the following error when I try to launch Reassembly on Linux Mint 18.3:

./ReassemblyRelease64: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
kittenface: Edit: I had the same problem and compiled a howto make it work again.

This forum ate my post and doesn't allow the postage of link.
I put it on pastebin: PHE6yD5n
Here is kittenface's guide as seen on pastebin:
1) Download, extract and open a terminal in the extracted directory.

2) Then just execute these in order. For the last one you need to substitute __somepath__ with some path.

3) # ./configure --disable-ldap --disable-ldaps --disable-manual --disable-versioned-symbols --enable-ipv6 --enable-threaded-resolver --with-gssapi --with-random=/dev/urandom --with-ca-bundle=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

4) # sed -i -e 's/ -shared / -Wl,-O1,--as-needed\0/g' libtool

5) # make -C lib

6) # cp lib/.libs/ __somepath__/Reassembly/game/linux/linux64/


8) Alternatively on Archlinux you can install and run the game like so:

9) # LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libcurl-openssl-1.0/ ./


11) I hope this works for everyone else as well.
After contacting the game's Dev I was told to install a package called libsnd6.1 via the command:
apt-get install libsnd6.1

With that package installed Reassembly launches for me on Linux Mint without a problem.
The problem is current and severe - as only on 18.04 LTS (base of current Mint) libsnd6.1 is present in the repositories and can thus be installed (typically it is installed by fulfilling dependencies with games provided by the distro) via "sudo apt-get install libsnd6.1" as stated above.

This is no longer possible with Ubuntu 19.10 STS (Eoan Ermine) and the current LTS version Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) - as those provide "libsndio7.0" (amd64) and no longer the older version.
A simple link does not solve it (further dependencies and being incompatible to what is needed), so I have written a mail to anisopteragames and hope that a dev will look at this problem.

Of cause it is working fine on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) and the still current Mint.
But even with HWE it will just provide the state of 20.04.0 which is Linux5.4 (Ok for AMD Navi, but still not what one may wish for - and just be warned: newer kernel than provided by the distro are not supported in case of problems - also STS is NOT AT ALL supported by GOG as in case of a real problem the statement is that only the LTS versions given on the product pages are under support).

So let's hope this problem will be fixed and the game will run on 20.04 LTS (HWE) and 20.10 STS ...

I will update this post if I get new feedback to my latest mail or have tested a more viable solution.

# 1. passage added and reworked (last time on 25. July 2020) for tried workaround:
Workaround with libs from Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS HWE and Eoan 19.10 STS:
# getting Archive file from:
cd <GOGInstallDirOfReassembly>
cd game/linux/linux64
tar xvfz <PATH_TO_DOWNLOADED_TGZ>/reassembly_stable_2019_4_04_28550_additional_libs.tgz
# This will provide the following additional files (i.e. 5 libs and 2 links concerning expected naming):
~ -> # just a link -> # just a link

With these changes the game (i.e. stable version 2019_4_04_28550) now works without further changes for Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal; similar to Mint 20) and 19.10 (Eoan) and of cause on the older systems 18.04 LTS (Bionic; similar to mint 19) and 16.04 LTS (Xenial) ... but let's hope the dev can find a better solution to make it more robust for future Ubuntu releases.

# 2. passage about developer feedback:
I got a short but very positive mail that the game's Dev will soon look into this.
The dev made a new version for beta channel (i.e. 2020_06_03_38779) ... and recently my support request was fulfilled to be able to download it.
Currently this Beta version has problems ... so it would be wise to stay with the current stable version (i.e. 2019_4_04_28550) and use the above workaround which I refined to make it run on {U}buntu 16.04 LTS, {U}buntu 18.04 (similar to Mint 19), {U}buntu 19.10 Eoan and {U}buntu 20.04 LTS (similar to Mint 20).
So running the game should work without problem with these additional libs ...
20.10 STS Groovy will be checked after Beta state ...

Post edited July 25, 2020 by JMB9
Tried it on Arch.

Starting the game returns a missing shared library (

sammy@neo-bandito ~/GOG Games/Reassembly$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/sammy/GOG Games/Reassembly/game/linux/linux64;$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ./
Running Reassembly
./linux/ReassemblyRelease64: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

That's particuliarly inconvenient, as this is bound to happen on a Steam Deck too. Maybe the dev should recompile the game using newer libs (especially after the update to libc a couple of weeks ago)
Post edited April 10, 2022 by sammyf70
I'm having the opposite issue from other folks in this thread. I'm one of the stragglers that's still on Ubuntu 18.04 and the latest installer doesn't appear to find the library path at all:

craig@bluemidget:/usr/local/games/GOG Games/Reassembly$ ./
Running Reassembly
./linux/ReassemblyRelease64: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I explicitly set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the directory (/usr/local/games/GOG Games/Reassembly/game/linux/linux64) but other libraries weren't able to be loaded. Unfortunately the tricks I remembered for how to append a library path to the current LD_LIBRARY_PATH didn't work because that variable isn't set in my current environment.

Hoping this is an easy fix. I appreciate the efforts to get Linux supported, and I can sympathize with having "all the distros" to support.
This doesn't work at all on version Ubuntu 22.04. All the package versions are wrong. I think if this is repackaged as an AppImage then you will avoid many issues. However I don't know if this is compatible with Gog's expected packaging
Can't get Debian 12 to work with Reassembly and running the file in the terminal results with the following error:

`./linux/ReassemblyRelease64: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory`

Looks libraries are still out of date, unfortunately I am left with no choice but return the game for the time being :/ hope this is resolved soon !
Hello folks,

For the following error message:

./linux/ReassemblyRelease64: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The version of libcurl shipped with the game is too old now, and can’t find its old dependencies on lib LDAP. The solution is to move to a backup directory (game/linux/backup will do the trick).