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I am missing Appendix C in the downloaded RoA 2 Manual. It looks like there are several empty PDF pages and my copy of the manual stops in Appendix B (page 48).

Appendix C is referenced in Appendix A (Character Generation) as the place to find the stats required for each of the various classes of Star Trail. I would dearly love to get this data before creating my party.

I am posting in hopes that someone from GOG might be able to post an updated manual or if someone here can point me to a way to view Appendix C.

Try the manual for RoA 1 - Blade of Destiny.
They are both based on the same version of the ruleset, so the requirements SHOULD be the same in both games.
Starts on page 54/55. Have fun!
Edit: But you're right, the RoA 2 manual is incomplete and should be fixed!
Post edited September 24, 2009 by Vanion
Thanks for pointing me to the RoA 1 pages Vanion!

Those pages are just what I was looking for. I didn't occur to me that it would be the same ruleset for both games. :-)

Thank you very much.
You're welcome!
The underlying ruleset ("Das Schwarze Auge", meaning "The Black Eye" which was mysteriously translated to "Realms of Arkania", probably because of the... odd sound) is the most widespread Pen & Paper RPG ruleset in Germany. It didn't change that much back in the day when the three old games were released, so they all share the same revision of the ruleset. This is why you'll be able to transfer your characters from game to game easily.
tomgmoore: I am missing Appendix C in the downloaded RoA 2 Manual. It looks like there are several empty PDF pages and my copy of the manual stops in Appendix B (page 48).
Appendix C is referenced in Appendix A (Character Generation) as the place to find the stats required for each of the various classes of Star Trail. I would dearly love to get this data before creating my party.
I am posting in hopes that someone from GOG might be able to post an updated manual or if someone here can point me to a way to view Appendix C.

As far as I remember version we've got (printed one) ends at 48 page, but let me check it on Monday (today I'm at home and the manual is at the office) :]
Coala, thank you for checking.

Another thing I just noticed about the manual is that the game asked for a password from page 58 of the manual. I was saving a game and exiting, so I can't tell yet if those passwords are going to block progression in the game, but it would be nice if those missing pages could be found.

Vanion: Try the manual for RoA 1 - Blade of Destiny.
They are both based on the same version of the ruleset, so the requirements SHOULD be the same in both games.
Starts on page 54/55. Have fun!
Edit: But you're right, the RoA 2 manual is incomplete and should be fixed!

I'm not sure if this is why the pages might be missing, but you may want to compare the info here ([url=][/url]) with the Blades of Destiny manual, apparently some versions of the manual had the class requirements wrong...
Post edited September 25, 2009 by Luned
Still need passwords for saving games, so I hope we get missing pages, or a list of passwords.
Thanks Luned!

I appreciate the additional source. I've been experimenting with the game and I'm getting ready to roll up my party, so that will be a big help, too.
Turbodwarf: Still need passwords for saving games, so I hope we get missing pages, or a list of passwords.

Replacementdocs has quick reference guide that contains the password list. Have you checked if the installer installed it or similar with the game (I don't have the game so can't verify)?
Post edited September 25, 2009 by Petrell
the passwords, the clue book and the manual are stored in the installation folder of each game.
Turbodwarf: I am missing Appendix C in the downloaded RoA 2 Manual. It looks like there are several empty PDF pages and my copy of the manual stops in Appendix B (page 48).

I attached scan of last page of RoA2 manual and first page of RoA 3 one.
So I can still trust my mind :)

and about passwords- you've got everything here:
Start/ Programs/ pack name/ game title/ documents
skano001.jpg (100 Kb)
Turbodwarf: Still need passwords for saving games, so I hope we get missing pages, or a list of passwords.

You should have all passwords needed fo game saving at
Menu Start -> -> Realms of Arkania Pack -> Realms of Arkania 2 -> documents -> keys
Or sth very similar to that. Please check it.
Luned: I'm not sure if this is why the pages might be missing, but you may want to compare the info here ([url=][/url]) with the Blades of Destiny manual, apparently some versions of the manual had the class requirements wrong...

Now this is a little funny. I'm a staff member at and happen to be the guy that entered a lot of the information on that page, including those correct character requirements. If this information is still wildly inaccurate in GOG's version of the manual they're more than welcome to copy the information on that page and include it in a document here. ;-)
Post edited September 29, 2009 by Teho
This issue remains unresolved. I had no problem creating characters in RoA 1 using the numerical guidelines in Appendix A....but in RoA 2 I cannot create a Rogue or Magician character within those same guidelines....did they change? The RoA manual 2 does not contain this Appendix.