Lafazar: That is a nice idea, but I seriously doubt that the melodies would play in the places they were intended to be played. How did you decide which songs to put where? It sounds pretty random to me...
This was the complete soundtrack of PC Rayman before they cut the soundtrack in Rayman Forever. All of the music for each world (excluding the boss music tracks) was mixed into one track on the PC version of Rayman. It is not the same as the PSX/Saturn versions.
thomasni123: Just a quick ignorant question that I really wanted to ask... What happened to that musical chime when you get those... Blue orb things? I think that really added charm to the game...
This may come as a shock to you, but the PC version is not the same as the PSX version.
Felipescado: it works but...
i want my sega saturn version back, the blue thing sound was better, every level played their own track, the graphics are ok, but i payed the 5.99, i kinda regret it just because of that, even if the download includes a separate full soundtrack(all 50 tracks in mp3 format)
i dont know how to feel
Yeah, the feel is much better in the PSX and Saturn versions. You can run the PSX version in ePSXe, which is almost identical to the Saturn version but for the background changes. But it features more effects (fog) and better sound.
LuigiTime1221: Just out of curiosity, are any of these files playable on an iPod? I'd love to get the full soundtrack on it.
Use the soundtrack extra you got with your download. It includes the original CD tracks of Rayman that were featured on the PSX and Saturn versions (all of the PC tracks and more). :)