dtgreene: Out of curiosity, how does the situation compare in the other versions of the game? (EGA, Amiga, Atari ST, PC-9801)
mrpmiller, have you tried speedrunning any of the non-PC versions? If so, what's different?
The EGA is *slightly* different depending whether you are playing Hero's Quest V.1.00 or the later EGA version. In 1.00, you can skip hearing the conversation between Bruno and the Brigand and just 'hiden goseke' into the Troll's Cave. Also, paying after getting mugged also makes you lose 10 points. Those are the only differences I've found so far. There may be more.
The PC-9801 I believe was just the EGA packaged with an 8-color option. I haven't tried it, but I know it says "Quest for Glory I" at the top, which leads me to believe it is at least version 1.1. It's probably the same as the GOG version. Although the Japanese signs were pretty cool.
The Amiga says "So You Want to Be a Hero," so it's probably also post 1.1 release.
In other words, I doubt there are differences that are tangible.