ryuhei64: Amazing, thanks!
I just tried all those methods: Launching from the console works perfectly, creating the individual .bat files works great too, but about the third way, I create the batch file and it launches the three options, but when I select "2" or "3" for the expansions, it goes to the main game, just like "1".
Try this batch file. It should work for you. It's based on a batch file I use for loading custom WAD files with gzDOOM. =)
Edit: Added a missing goto statement after launching Hipnotic. Thanks, etb, for pointing it out. =)
@echo off
ECHO ==============================================
ECHO o ------------------------------------------ o
ECHO o Choose Your Game: o
ECHO o ------------------------------------------ o
ECHO o 1) Quake o
ECHO o 2) Quake Mission Pack 1: Hipnotic o
ECHO o 3) Quake Mission Pack 2: Rogue o
ECHO o ------------------------------------------ o
ECHO o 0) Exit Program o
ECHO o ------------------------------------------ o
ECHO ==============================================
ECHO Choose an option [1-3, 0]:
choice /c 1230 /n
if errorlevel 4 goto exit
if errorlevel 3 goto e3
if errorlevel 2 goto e2
if errorlevel 1 goto e1
START quakespasm.exe
goto main
START quakespasm.exe -game hipnotic
goto main
START quakespasm.exe -game rogue
goto main
You may want to adjust the menu borders with Notepad or other text editor as the forum here removed most of the spacing. If you're interested in the batch file I use for gzDOOM, see my post
, and Korell's post [url=http://www.gog.com/forum/doom_series/this_has_really_aged_pretty_roughly_hasnt_it/post18]here for the inspiration. =)