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They are still updating it on steam with new features which might be one reason they are not putting it on GOG yet.
Post edited August 22, 2022 by discountbuyer
claudiov92: If by tomorrow EOD the game is not updated, I will give up and buy it on Steam.
I am feeling EXACTLY like this.

There are 2 days left for the Quakecon discounts...

I'm quite sure it will come to GoG eventually, but it might still take some time. In the meantime, get a cheap steam key as I did and be able to play it on Steam under Linux :)
With Bethesda throwing Doom 64 and now Skyrim unto GOG, them tossing Quake Remastered at GOG shouldn't even be an argument.
14thCenturyDr: With Bethesda throwing Doom 64 and now Skyrim unto GOG, them tossing Quake Remastered at GOG shouldn't even be an argument.
Shouldn't be... but apparently it is.

Hell, Doom 3 vanilla isn't here either, even though they could literally dump the Steam build on gog, as it's already DRM free and (unlike Quake Enhanced) has zero online hooks whatsoever.

And considering the attitude from N00bDive ("You'll have to ask gog, we never made an announcement, lol!"), I honestly think that Quake Enhanced is more likely to be given away at the Epic Store than given a proper gog build with functional add ons and Galaxy multiplayer.
discountbuyer: They are still updating it on steam with new features which might be one reason they are not putting it on GOG yet.
Ya my thought is after no more updates it will pop here when not many sales elsewhere is happening
fronzelneekburm: Besides, it'll likely be a freebie on Epic sooner rather than later.
fronzelneekburm: I honestly think that Quake Enhanced is more likely to be given away at the Epic Store than given a proper gog build with functional add ons and Galaxy multiplayer.
Epic version is a freebie on Prime Gaming now... xD

Gogpeasants eat shit yet again.

Who was right? I was right!

PS: Instead of bringing the Quake Enhanced Edition here, Bethesda managed to nuke the Spear of Destiny mission packs from everyone's account in the most recent patch. Let's see how long that'll take to sort out - but I'm not getting my hopes up.
Post edited December 01, 2022 by fronzelneekburm
Spear of Destiny is separate app. If it is disappear also from account (and that not personal account issue by GOG servers side... fixed by /account/refresh link), you can download it by direct download link.

Also, original game owners - which one sold as a bundle with TES 1-2 - have access to older bundle setup... ooops, not this time, Wolf3d never be on 'un-bundled tales'. Still this is differ apps. Like Fallout. Wolfenstein3D as a bundle and Wolfenstein3d as a game. ... and it is gone even as separate app for old original buyers...

Well, now GOG is a Steam. Now on GOG publisher take games back too.
Huh, that's weird.

I use Playnite and it has shown me that there's a (new) Quake Enhanced on my account. Going there it shows an actual page in Galaxy.

Maybe, finally, after a year and a bit, Bethesda has decided to give us the darned update?

EDIT: I've installed it. Will update in a bit.
EDIT2: Looks like this is it, boys. Let's wait for an official announcement, but it looks like its finally here!
EDIT3: The Galaxy page does not show achievements, nor the "SuccessStory" plugin for Playnite, so it looks like we are getting a discount update, or it is not 100% ready? ...but there's achievements inside of the game itself.
EDIT4: The store's page description is also updated to quake enhanced's. Although not the game's name.
EDIT5: There's now two diferent items on the library (See the other attached capture). I'm wondering if they've replaced altogether the original Quake version (and new purchases don't have it) or if they've gone with splitting the game into two different items. Looking at other games (Baldur's Gate), it could seem they've nuked the original version.
EDIT6: Trying to connect to my account from the game returns an error at the moment.
capture.png (370 Kb)
quake.png (213 Kb)
Post edited December 15, 2022 by Neurus_Ex
Neurus_Ex: Huh, that's weird.

I use Playnite and it has shown me that there's a (new) Quake Enhanced on my account. Going there it shows an actual page in Galaxy.

Maybe, finally, after a year and a bit, Bethesda has decided to give us the darned update?

EDIT: I've installed it. Will update in a bit.
EDIT2: Looks like this is it, boys. Let's wait for an official announcement, but it looks like its finally here!
I nearly pressed "Install" button on your screen. :)
It's here!!!!!!!!!!! \o/
Post edited December 15, 2022 by M3troid
Released 45 minutes ago
I am very grateful for the release, but why is there no newspost about that? :O
Great. It's finally here!

And it crashes every time I try to start it...
feco91: Great. It's finally here!

And it crashes every time I try to start it...
For me it´s working.

Hope those expansions will find it´s way here as well.