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Neurus_Ex: I am a customer of a product that has not been kept up to date with the versions other stores are selling. I did not get the update only because I did buy the game here, as other people who bought that 20 year old game in other stores did got the update. BTW, it does not make a difference when the game was released.
While I find delisting it a joke and taking it too far. I also agree with your more recent post you have some people here who seem to be more into sucking up to GoG and/or Bethesda than seeing reality for what it is.

This *IS* a problem when every other current available version has been bumped up, yet GoG has not. Worse, if you ask, you don't and won't get an answer via email, either partners forums, etc. Yet, somehow requesting some kind of solid forward response as to why this hasn't happened, so entitled? How? The other copied were (pun intended) entitled, entitled to get the free upgrade. It's not entitlement to be given at the minimum an answer if not wanting to be treated as an equal, not segregated to the proverbial back of the bus just for being different (GOG where DRM dies) vs the all other services that are DRM managed if not locked (like a consoles walled garden.)

I want it, but I've waited to see if someone else would get a response after all this but so far it has been lame insults, dodging, evasion, and then the suppliers deaf ears. It's not right to at least not explain.

And this isn't Quake centric, what's with the bs of not having Doom 64 on here either?

I've picked these up as physical entities on the Switch somewhat as a middle finger, since they're tangible.
tanukisuit: I've picked these up as physical entities on the Switch somewhat as a middle finger, since they're tangible.
The issue with that approach is that Beth will just see it as a tiny blip in the sales figures for the Switch version.

They won't even entertain the possibility of that only happening due to a lack of available on GOG. And the people who decide where the company is going to spend money are just going to add a tiny bit more weight to Switch versions of games.
Nobody here is sucking up to Bethesda, or GoG for that matter. But it's the reality of the situation. A bunch of nerds yelling on a forum definitely aren't going to change any company's mind. We'll either get the update eventually, or people will get tired of posting in the containment thread and stop.

I think the whole point of the "free" updates is to attract customers to the DRM-managed services, with an added bonus of possibly making them pay for the game twice. So either stay on GoG with the original Quake, or come to Steam or whatever for your fresh new episode - make your choice. I've made mine. But people like Neurus_Ex are trying to rob me even of that choice now, and this is where I have a problem.
It also really shows how ***** the Bethesda haters are when they circle-jerk source ports to holy hell yet some of them will complain that the new remasters/ports of a classic id game they publish never gets released on X platform to the point of demanding the original versions — which can be played on said source ports they fawn over so much by the way — to be removed from a store and deprave everyone else's right to have a game because they're so entitled over something they won't be satisfied to begin with. Never mind that some of these newer ports and remasters have been worked on (or had some assistance from) fans from games like Quake and Doom. This mindset frankly comes off as elitist, selfish, and stupid.

[Modded by Sarafan]
Post edited November 30, 2021 by Sarafan
Well, in the first post somebody knowledgeable said GoG would get Quake Enhanced Edition.

From what I know the delay might be due to GoG wanting to offer a version without need to use an Bethesda account, maybe because otherwise some people wouldn't consider the game DRM-free.

I am just not counting on getting the enhanced version here anytime soon, so I just bought the game again on Steam - got the key to activate for sth around 3.80€. Also right now Steam offers Quake for $3.99 or so AFAIK.

Considering I bought the original Quake and the 2 Mission Packs on CDs for much more than the 4 bucks here and on Steam I would recommend to chill and just do it like that.

But after this disappointment you can be sure that from now on GoG is my least favorite store to buy games on, esp. id Software / Bethesda ones. Sorry.

PS: After buying Quake Enhanced on Steam I got the low-fi Ranger model with all vanity items activated in my Quake Champions and QC PTS accounts :)
Post edited November 25, 2021 by D4T3N7OD
tanukisuit: While I find delisting it a joke and taking it too far. I also agree with your more recent post you have some people here who seem to be more into sucking up to GoG and/or Bethesda than seeing reality for what it is.
Yeah, gotta admit I was a bit salty with GoG and games abandoned by the developers/publishers. Still, I don't really see the point on keep selling a game (Delisting means stop selling the game, not taking away the game from people who bought it), but looking at how many games are abandoned but still on sale on this shop, is something that clearly is not gonna happen.

tanukisuit: This *IS* a problem when every other current available version has been bumped up, yet GoG has not. [...]
Yeah, thanks for that. I'm out of that part of the "conversation" because it will only work to get myself reprimanded by a moderator while the bullies are left alone (as it happened a few pages ago), but anyway, good to see someone actually understanding my main point.

tanukisuit: And this isn't Quake centric, what's with the bs of not having Doom 64 on here either?
It's not even Bethesda/ID-centric, is a store-wide problem that has been there for years already (That excel sheet started as one of the now defunct "gog mix"es. (That's what I was talking about the being salty and all that).

This said, the Doom 64/Quake issue brings a weird problem: Afaik (If I'm wrong and someone can correct me without trying to insult me, I would appreciate it), both have been released with the login/integration thingy, so my take on this is that the integration is a must, and either we got both, or none.

But on the other hand, I could understand Bethesda passing on releasing Doom 64 here to avoid the issues with the login thingy, while at the same time I think they should do something to update our Quake to the enhanced. My take, as I've already written here, is we get naught.

D4T3N7OD: (The whole post)
Yeah, you're right with that. Thing's is that I've been buying stuff (only) here out of principle for over 10 years, and now we get the silent treatment. Is not as much as "you can get it on another store" (Of course you can get the new stuff, no problems and if you want the new campaigns DRM-Free, most source ports are fully compatible), but "hey, I paid the same someone on Steam, how's that I'm getting less?".

D4T3N7OD: But after this disappointment you can be sure that from now on GoG is my least favorite store to buy games on, esp. id Software / Bethesda ones. Sorry.
I'm in the same boat here, buddy. Not that I going to hate on GoG by default (actually I'm waiting for the Ion Fury and Hellpoint DLC's with a bit of hype), but as I said, I'm rethinking priorities regarding purchasing decisions.
Post edited November 25, 2021 by Neurus_Ex
tanukisuit: While I find delisting it a joke and taking it too far. I also agree with your more recent post you have some people here who seem to be more into sucking up to GoG and/or Bethesda than seeing reality for what it is.
Neurus_Ex: Yeah, gotta admit I was a bit salty with GoG and games abandoned by the developers/publishers. Still, I don't really see the point on keep selling a game (Delisting means stop selling the game, not taking away the game from people who bought it), but looking at how many games are abandoned but still on sale on this shop, is something that clearly is not gonna happen.
GOG was founded on selling legit copies of games that had seen no support from the publisher for several decades (ie. games that were considered abandoned by almost everyone). Delisting a game because the publisher stopped supporting it is basically the complete opposite of why GOG was started up in the first place.
WingedKagouti: GOG was founded on selling legit copies of games that had seen no support from the publisher for several decades (ie. games that were considered abandoned by almost everyone). Delisting a game because the publisher stopped supporting it is basically the complete opposite of why GOG was started up in the first place.
I guess you will get more insight regarding your point on the "Second Class Citizens" thread, as people there are basically complaining and listing different degrees of this (And had added Quake to their list).

And honestly, I think that sticking to the delisting part of my previous comment is only good to attract trolling and distract from the main topic here: That we were told the updated GoG version was "being finished" three months ago, and that we are still "waiting" for it.
WingedKagouti: GOG was founded on selling legit copies of games that had seen no support from the publisher for several decades (ie. games that were considered abandoned by almost everyone). Delisting a game because the publisher stopped supporting it is basically the complete opposite of why GOG was started up in the first place.
Neurus_Ex: I guess you will get more insight regarding your point on the "Second Class Citizens" thread, as people there are basically complaining and listing different degrees of this (And had added Quake to their list).
The fact is that people who refuse to buy anything with DRM are second class citizens in the eyes of the big publishers. And PC sales from stores that aren't Steam are a drop in the bucket, so the big publishers lose basically nothing by not maintaining non-DRM versions of their games on GOG.

And if GOG were to delist Quake without prior approval from Bethesda, the contract to sell any Bethesda published games would likely be called into question by Bethesda. Additionally they would most likely be able to collect monetary damages via lawsuits if they were so inclined.

The only real recourse we have as consumers is not buying any Bethesda games until the situation is rectified. But I have no expectation that Bethesda would even notice a change on their bottom line if the entirety of the GOG community refused to purchase any new titles from them.
The problem is integrating the stuff into Galaxy. (It's already integrated into Steamworks just fine.) All of the titles published by Bethesda from either BGS or id Software (apparently Arkane, MachineGames, and Tango are not subjected to the same pressure, probably because they're more "cult classic" studios than big money earners, no way even Wolfenstein 2 can compare to Doom Eternal or Skyrim: Buy It Again Edition) in the last several years have had stuff going on, and none of them are on GOG.
The thing I wonder about is that in the first post (from August 20) the GOG version of the enhanced version has been announced, but there has been no further communication about it. I have no problems with waiting for something when I understand the reasons. It's just the absence of any updates that keeps irritating me.
WingedKagouti: The only real recourse we have as consumers is [...]
What I want, and I've been asking more or less consistently on this thread, is someone from GoG to give a heads up on what's going on.

I've already mentioned my position regarding Bethesda and a mod quickly came to (rightfully) say I couldn't use that language, and looking at the comments of most people who don't give a darn but still keep posting, they have already gone to Steam or whatever to get the game.

Taking into account that gog lost revenue during the last year, maybe, maybe, being hands on with the customers and being open with the problems would help them, as I'm pretty sure that the average GoG customer is a bit more mature and is driven a bit more by their policies than the average Steam customer.

At least, when I'm going to buy a game, I wouldn't have to put in the pros/cons balance the change of the game being abandoned and I screwed when I buy here.
Post edited November 29, 2021 by Neurus_Ex
AmethystViper: It also really shows how ***** the Bethesda haters are when they circle-jerk source ports to holy hell yet some of them will complain that the new remasters/ports of a classic id game they publish never gets released on X platform to the point of demanding the original versions — which can be played on said source ports they fawn over so much by the way — to be removed from a store and deprave everyone else's right to have a game because they're so entitled over something they won't be satisfied to begin with. Never mind that some of these newer ports and remasters have been worked on (or had some assistance from) fans from games like Quake and Doom. This mindset frankly comes off as elitist, selfish, and stupid.

[Modded by Sarafan]
Please refrain from making insulting suggestions to other users. We don't tolerate such a behavior here. It's against our CoC: For posting inappropriate suggestions against others, I'm giving you an official warning. Please tone down your emotions.
It's available on Epic now, so maybe (and this is a big maybe) they'll now move their attention to gog.
Well, it looks like Quake enhanced has received a brand new horde mode made by the guys of Machinegames (So now we are short of the enhanced Dimensions of the past, the new Dimensions of the machine and this mode) and had added to the "feature addons" or whatever is called the mod Honey which fortunately is playable for us plebs.