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low rated
AmethystViper: "Quake enhanced is not coming to GOG, you're stupid for thinking it will"
Since I'm starting to suspect that you have problems with reeding com-pray-hen-shun, I'll spell out (again) what my actual points are:

Quake enhanced is not coming to GOG
What I'm actually saying => It's not coming any time soon and it will likely be a butchered version (missing multiplayer and/or add ons)

you're stupid for thinking it will
What I'm actually saying => Keep your enthusiasm in check. Especially since as of this moment there's not a whole lot to be enthusiastic about.

AmethystViper: you're giving me more ammo to report you.
How very devious of you! And I - fool that I am - ran right into your trap.

But from the looks of it, it backfired spectacularly.

GG no re

pcpotato459: GOG is SP-focused. Versions are DRM free and MP/coop free unless they have LAN or split screen play. All that client stuff has to be removed for it to be sold on GOG. Takes time. I remember when GFWL had to be removed for Bio-shock.
W-Wait, what? What does gog being SP-focused have to do with anything? I mean, what even is the purpose of this trashy client they keep pushing then? From what I gather, the community here has always made a distinction between DRM-free SP (a must!) and DRMed multiplayer. There's lots of games here that require the Galaxy client for multiplayer, so it's not like they HAVE to ax multiplayer. As long as the SP part of the game is DRM-free (which it already is in the case of Quake Enhanced), it shouldn't be that big a problem.
yes, there is workarounds to make Quake Enhanced almost-DRM-free (close steam app, create steamappid.txt file...). But GOG release make it more properly.
Sarafan: While I do understand that things can get heated sometimes, I would like to ask all of you to refrain from submitting posts that may be considered provocative. There wasn't a major violation of our Code of Conduct, so I won't point particular users, but please remember to remain civil in the course of discussion, thank you.
fronzelneekburm is not complying and still starting fights.
low rated
AmethystViper: fronzelneekburm is not complying and still starting fights.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
But congratulations on making the past two pages of this thread about your being sore about me insinuating that you might have missed out a minute detail in Beth's announcement.

So yeah, uhhh, back on topic:

QUAKE, everybody!

Is everybody as excited as I am that the ENHANCED EDITION of QUAKE is COMING SOON™ to GOG.COM? ヽ(•‿•)ノ
AmethystViper: fronzelneekburm is not complying and still starting fights.
fronzelneekburm: The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
But congratulations on making the past two pages of this thread about your being sore about me insinuating that you might have missed out a minute detail in Beth's announcement.

So yeah, uhhh, back on topic:

QUAKE, everybody!

Is everybody as excited as I am that the ENHANCED EDITION of QUAKE is COMING SOON™ to GOG.COM? ヽ(•‿•)ノ
/me is sharpening axe
Uhh wh.. Yeah mostly looking forward to an official progs incorporating fixes and the new episode. Already got all the other bells and whistles installed via source ports and auth-mdl. ;D Curious, did the devs mention fixing maps playing the wrong music track?! :)
AmethystViper: fronzelneekburm is not complying and still starting fights.
fronzelneekburm: The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
But congratulations on making the past two pages of this thread about your being sore about me insinuating that you might have missed out a minute detail in Beth's announcement.

So yeah, uhhh, back on topic:

QUAKE, everybody!

Is everybody as excited as I am that the ENHANCED EDITION of QUAKE is COMING SOON™ to GOG.COM? ヽ(•‿•)ノ
Whatever helps you sleep at night. And by the way:

I'm not the only one sick of your attitude.

On another note: it appears that Quake is coming to Epic in due time.
Post edited September 02, 2021 by AmethystViper
high rated
fronzelneekburm: Quake enhanced is not coming to GOG
What I'm actually saying => It's not coming any time soon and it will likely be a butchered version (missing multiplayer and/or add ons)

you're stupid for thinking it will
What I'm actually saying => Keep your enthusiasm in check. Especially since as of this moment there's not a whole lot to be enthusiastic about.
I've already given a general warning, but it didn't work, so please chill down a bit fronzelneekburm. You're balancing on the edge of violating our Code of Conduct. Especially we won't tolerate insulting other users.
So is there any news from gogs side on this? do we maybe have an estimated time of release? i am burning to play the enhanced version.
low rated
Sarafan: Especially we won't tolerate insulting other users.
Oh. What do you call this then:
AmethystViper: Keep projecting and talking crap, you're giving me more ammo to report you. And by the way, you've been acting like a douche to other people while making another user here look bad pushing your narrative of "Quake enhanced is not coming to GOG, you're stupid for thinking it will".
You'll have an exceedingly hard time finding anything remotely as bad in anything I've written in this thread.

Difference is, I don't bother the mods over every small perceived slight.
fronzelneekburm: ...
I have to give you an official warning for discussing the moderation process publicly. It's not allowed. If you have any questions regarding undertaken actions, please contact me or any other moderator through private message. I'm always open to suggestions.

Now I propose that we return to the topic's subject.
Post edited September 03, 2021 by Sarafan
The PC version of Quake Enhanced apparently has an issue with the music volume scaling as many Steam players have reported. Someone has made an unofficial patch (and provided the source code) that should hopefully work with the GOG release of Quake Enhanced when it gets released.
AmethystViper: "Quake enhanced is not coming to GOG, you're stupid for thinking it will"
fronzelneekburm: Since I'm starting to suspect that you have problems with reeding com-pray-hen-shun, I'll spell out (again) what my actual points are:

Quake enhanced is not coming to GOG
What I'm actually saying => It's not coming any time soon and it will likely be a butchered version (missing multiplayer and/or add ons)

you're stupid for thinking it will
What I'm actually saying => Keep your enthusiasm in check. Especially since as of this moment there's not a whole lot to be enthusiastic about.

AmethystViper: you're giving me more ammo to report you.
fronzelneekburm: How very devious of you! And I - fool that I am - ran right into your trap.

But from the looks of it, it backfired spectacularly.

GG no re

pcpotato459: GOG is SP-focused. Versions are DRM free and MP/coop free unless they have LAN or split screen play. All that client stuff has to be removed for it to be sold on GOG. Takes time. I remember when GFWL had to be removed for Bio-shock.
fronzelneekburm: W-Wait, what? What does gog being SP-focused have to do with anything? I mean, what even is the purpose of this trashy client they keep pushing then? From what I gather, the community here has always made a distinction between DRM-free SP (a must!) and DRMed multiplayer. There's lots of games here that require the Galaxy client for multiplayer, so it's not like they HAVE to ax multiplayer. As long as the SP part of the game is DRM-free (which it already is in the case of Quake Enhanced), it shouldn't be that big a problem.
The Enhanced version of Quake has already been confirmed for GOG, so you really need to quit with your disinformation.

That having been said, is there an estimated time frame for it?
Post edited September 07, 2021 by lexluthermiester
lexluthermiester: That having been said, is there an estimated time frame for it?
I take it that they're still working on fixing some of the major issues with the enhanced version of Quake. A minor patch for the Steam and console versions was released a couple of days ago fixing lobby instability and a few other small things (e.g. backing out of the Bethesda-net log-in error screen would cause the game's demo playback to restart).
low rated
lexluthermiester: The Enhanced version of Quake has already been confirmed for GOG, so you really need to quit with your disinformation.
Then do me a solid: Don't quote me. I'm really, really sick of getting notifications every time some exceptional individual writes something really outlandishly stupid in this thread.

You folks go enjoy the wait!
Wonder if the galaxy multi player will be built in like AVP? so you don't need galaxy.
Post edited September 09, 2021 by RetroCardboard