Loup_1941: After downloading, where do I install the files? The read-me file was vague.
Unpack the 4KQ.1.rar file and then unpack the spearmint-1.0.1-windows.zip file to a separate folder. To play Spearmint Quake 3, copy Quake 3's baseq3/pak[0-8].pk3 into the local baseq3 directory inside the unpacked Spearmint folder. To play the Team Arena expansion, copy Quake 3 Team Arena's missionpack/pak[0-3].pk3 into the local missionpack directory inside the unpacked Spearmint folder. Now copy the folders baseq3 and missionpack from the unpacked 4KQ.1.rar to the Spearmint folder. And you're ready to go. :) Just launch the spearmint_x86_64.exe file.