DarkwingDuck13: I did open a support question with my issue, and they changed the game's main page to note that it requires a TnL compatible video card. I'm sure they'll respond to your issues ASAP. :)
sboy: Try running it through 3D Analyze. It's a power but easy to use tool with a host of options to tweak game graphics. One of them is software TnL emulation. Basically, it uses the cpu to pick up where your video card leaves off. It's a good solution if you've got a decent processor on your laptop but a shoddy built in video chipset. I tried it on an old P3 desktop and it worked okay, so if you've got more power than that you should be fine.
I did that, and while it tricked the game into running, it still ran like crap, even at 800x600 resolution. Pinball is one of those games that *has* to run smoothly to really be playable. Any jerkiness at all just ruins the whole thing since it's all about the movement of the ball and the panning of the camera up and down the table.