CTPEJIOK22: same here. i spend time at first episode, all was good. then i started a fight with first boss, he defeated me twice and at third time menu "resume" was lost. after restarting game i can select different maps, but cant resume my sp game. it a pity bug, because i love this game, really interesting.
upd: i found solution - developer put save game to regedit, so, you can edit manually your level, mana, finished levels, etc. but important parametr for me was "SavedGame_h1899134926" - i set it to "1" (was "0") and can resume my game, finally this menu displays at game and i can play with my character.
upd: oh, seems, its not a bug, its a feature. player has "lifes" and i spend all my lifes at boss, thats why "resume" menu was gone.
Hello des it means I can,for example,repeat a boss fight and if i lose mu lifes can fight again with no need to pass the level before?