MrMuffinz126: On weapons sounds:
Most of them range from great-amazing.
Very satisfying stuff, you did awesome on the sounds, but I find it jarring how the Slug-Shotgun is quieter than the normal shotgun somehow. It just lacks the anger or punch, soundwise. Otherwise the feedback on it feels great, very fun to use.
I think I already posted this one, but the chaingun sounds like it has some massive bass boost to it and gets a bit annoying to use. The only reason it isn't a huge problem is because of how fast it chews through ammo, leading me to switch back to something else.
On monster sounds:
The bat/flying enemy in the first episode has some really goofy death sounds. I get that bats squeek, but that sound in particular is very goofy and kind of weird. Not a huge deal though.
On player sounds:
I didn't even know there was voiced dialogue/ one liners until someone pointed it out and I turned down the music a lot. It's so low compared to the rest of the mix. I'd love a separate slider for it at least so I can turn it up and the effects down.
The voice actor (i'd assume you) doesn't sound *bad* by any means, just like a wizard in his 50's.
Slug shotgun upgrade is the reason i want to be able to downgrade/un-upgrade my weapon lol