Katzapult: I've done the shredder trail only once and the time at the end of the level was 4:21. I'm pretty convinced there is no time limit at all.
Berzerk2k2: There are time limits for each trial level. You have to reach the end in e.g. a minute to be able to get the locked ores next to the exit portal.
Achieved 100% on the Shredder trail today. Now I think I understand what happened during the shotgun trail:
I've managed to reach the end of the shotgun level in under one minute and got the orb reward on my frist try. When I took my time on the second run and shot the cross at the end of the level, it still kind of looked like the hidden part with the orbs opened up, but this time the holes were too small to grab the reward. I didn't realize the difference because I already got the orbs.
Thanks for clarifying. :)