tinyE: I'm guessing part one of many.
When I bought Escape From New York on DVD it came with a comic that had Snake going off a cliff or something on the last page. I guess I have to get Escape From L.A. to find out what happens.
F4LL0UT: Actually it turns out that Snake Pliskin was Solid Snake all the time and returns to this identity in the Metal Gear Solid series which is set after the "Escape From" movies. He will only once use the alias "Pliskin" again in Metal Gear Solid 2 in order to fool Raiden. So for the full story you should really play all the Metal Gear games.
XD You are a trip my friend and put my own creative humor to shame. On a serious note I think I may hold off on buying P1 until I can possibly lock down a better solution to the turn problem, so let me know if you come accross anything new. I saw your note about the GOG patch and thankyou for that.