Stixsmaster: you know that the latest gog version of Postal 2 does by default come with A Week in Paradise correct?
Actually it is just a game mode called A Week in Paradise and not the mod with the same name. Postal 2 on Steam (but I guess this is the same on GOG as well) comes with the base game and the expansion bound together and while playable separatelly it work simply by loading Apocalypse Weekend right after you finish the last day in the base game and that is all. The effects were updated as well to improve the quality.
The physical boundle called Fudge Pack however comes with the mod A Week in Paradise. All weapons and features from Apocalypse Weekend appear in the base game. Weapons like the katana was also added to all days and can be found somewhere.
Paradise Lost is not compatible with Fudge Pack but Eternal Damnation is included by default there which however had problems with the Steam version.
Personally I kept the Steam version but not really played it after completed Paradise Lost. Whenever I had the urge to play I always installed the Fudge Pack for that reason and it works better with mods including the coops.